Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3745

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124 STAT. 3719 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 (1) ensure the accuracy of the information included in the record established and maintained by the agency under sub- section (a); and (2) transmit in a timely manner such information to the General Services Administration for entry into the Federal Procurement Data System referred to in section 1122(a)(4) of this title, or any successor system. § 1713. Procurement data (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (1) QUALIFIED HUBZONE SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN.—The term ‘‘qualified HUBZone small business concern’’ has the meaning given that term in section 3(p) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(p)). (2) SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED INDIVIDUALS.— The term ‘‘small business concern owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals’’ has the meaning given that term in section 8(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)). (3) SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY WOMEN.—The term ‘‘small business concern owned and con- trolled by women’’ has the meaning given that term in section 8(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)) and section 204 of the Women’s Business Ownership Act of 1988 (Public Law 100–533, 102 Stat. 2692). (b) REPORTING.—Each Federal agency shall report to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy the number of qualified HUBZone small business concerns, the number of small businesses owned and controlled by women, and the number of small business con- cerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvan- taged individuals, by gender, that are first time recipients of con- tracts from the agency. The Office shall take appropriate action to ascertain, for each fiscal year, the number of those small businesses that have newly entered the Federal market. CHAPTER 19—SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION PROCEDURES Sec. 1901. Simplified acquisition procedures. 1902. Procedures applicable to purchases below micro-purchase threshold. 1903. Special emergency procurement authority. 1904. Certain transactions for defense against attack. 1905. List of laws inapplicable to contracts or subcontracts not greater than sim- plified acquisition threshold. 1906. List of laws inapplicable to procurements of commercial items. 1907. List of laws inapplicable to procurements of commercially available off-the- shelf items. 1908. Inflation adjustment of acquisition-related dollar thresholds. § 1901. Simplified acquisition procedures (a) WHEN PROCEDURES ARE TO BE USED.—To promote efficiency and economy in contracting and to avoid unnecessary burdens for agencies and contractors, the Federal Acquisition Regulation shall provide for special simplified procedures for purchases of property and services for amounts— (1) not greater than the simplified acquisition threshold; and (2) greater than the simplified acquisition threshold but not greater than $5,000,000 for which the contracting officer reason- ably expects, based on the nature of the property or services