Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3752

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124 STAT. 3726 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 (A) in effect on October 1, 2000, that was first specified in a law that took effect on or before October 1, 2000, is the October 1, 2000, constant dollar value of that dollar threshold; and (B) specified in a law that takes effect after October 1, 2000, is the constant dollar value of that threshold as of the effective date of that dollar threshold pursuant to that law. (2) ADJUSTMENT.—On October 1 of each year evenly divisible by 5, the Council shall adjust each acquisition-related dollar threshold provided by law, as described in subsection (b)(1), to the baseline constant dollar value of that threshold. (3) EXCLUSIVE MEANS OF ADJUSTMENT.—A dollar threshold adjustable under this section shall be adjusted only as provided in this section. (d) PUBLICATION.—The Council shall publish a notice of the adjusted dollar thresholds under this section in the Federal Reg- ister. The thresholds take effect on the date of publication. (e) CALCULATION.—An adjustment under this section shall be— (1) calculated on the basis of changes in the Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers published monthly by the Sec- retary of Labor; and (2) rounded, in the case of a dollar threshold that on the day before the adjustment is— (A) less than $10,000, to the nearest $500; (B) not less than $10,000, but less than $100,000, to the nearest $5,000; (C) not less than $100,000, but less than $1,000,000, to the nearest $50,000; and (D) $1,000,000 or more, to the nearest $500,000. (f) PETITION FOR INCLUSION OF OMITTED THRESHOLD.— (1) PETITION SUBMITTED TO ADMINISTRATOR.—A person may request adjustment of a dollar threshold adjustable under this section that is not included in a notice of adjustment published under subsection (d) by submitting a petition for adjustment to the Administrator. (2) ACTIONS OF ADMINISTRATOR.—On receipt of a petition for adjustment of a dollar threshold under paragraph (1), the Administrator— (A) shall determine, in writing, whether the dollar threshold is required to be adjusted under this section; and (B) on determining that it should be adjusted, shall pub- lish in the Federal Register a revised notice of the adjust- ment dollar thresholds under this section that includes the adjustment of the dollar threshold covered by the peti- tion. (3) EFFECTIVE DATE OF ADJUSTMENT BY PETITION.—The adjustment of a dollar threshold pursuant to a petition under this subsection takes effect on the date the revised notice adding the adjustment under paragraph (2)(B) is published. CHAPTER 21—RESTRICTIONS ON OBTAINING AND DISCLOSING CERTAIN INFORMATION Sec. 2101. Definitions. 2102. Prohibitions on disclosing and obtaining procurement information.