Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/403

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124 STAT. 377 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 annual report to the Secretary describing how a similar program in the State for a participating hospital or hos- pitals achieves or surpasses the measured results in terms of patient health outcomes and cost savings established under this subsection. ‘‘(3) HOSPITAL ACQUIRED CONDITIONS.—For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘hospital acquired condition’ means a condi- tion identified for purposes of subsection (d)(4)(D)(iv) and any other condition determined appropriate by the Secretary that an individual acquires during a stay in an applicable hospital, as determined by the Secretary. ‘‘(4) APPLICABLE PERIOD.—In this subsection, the term ‘applicable period’ means, with respect to a fiscal year, a period specified by the Secretary. ‘‘(5) REPORTING TO HOSPITALS.—Prior to fiscal year 2015 and each subsequent fiscal year, the Secretary shall provide confidential reports to applicable hospitals with respect to hos- pital acquired conditions of the applicable hospital during the applicable period. ‘‘(6) REPORTING HOSPITAL SPECIFIC INFORMATION.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall make informa- tion available to the public regarding hospital acquired conditions of each applicable hospital. ‘‘(B) OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW AND SUBMIT CORREC- TIONS.—The Secretary shall ensure that an applicable hos- pital has the opportunity to review, and submit corrections for, the information to be made public with respect to the hospital under subparagraph (A) prior to such informa- tion being made public. ‘‘(C) WEBSITE.—Such information shall be posted on the Hospital Compare Internet website in an easily under- standable format. ‘‘(7) LIMITATIONS ON REVIEW.—There shall be no adminis- trative or judicial review under section 1869, section 1878, or otherwise of the following: ‘‘(A) The criteria described in paragraph (2)(A). ‘‘(B) The specification of hospital acquired conditions under paragraph (3). ‘‘(C) The specification of the applicable period under paragraph (4). ‘‘(D) The provision of reports to applicable hospitals under paragraph (5) and the information made available to the public under paragraph (6).’’. (b) STUDY AND REPORT ON EXPANSION OF HEALTHCARE ACQUIRED CONDITIONS POLICY TO OTHER PROVIDERS.— (1) STUDY.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall conduct a study on expanding the healthcare acquired conditions policy under subsection (d)(4)(D) of section 1886 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395ww) to payments made to other facilities under the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act, including such payments made to inpatient rehabilitation facilities, long-term care hos- pitals (as described in subsection(d)(1)(B)(iv) of such section), hospital outpatient departments, and other hospitals excluded from the inpatient prospective payment system under such section, skilled nursing facilities, ambulatory surgical centers, and health clinics. Such study shall include an analysis of Public information. Definition.