Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4058

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124 STAT. 4032 PUBLIC LAW 111–358—JAN. 4, 2011 ‘‘(vi) the likelihood that the participants in the regional innovation cluster will be able to sustain activities once grant funds under this subsection have been expended. ‘‘(C) SPECIAL CONSIDERATION.—The Secretary shall give special consideration to applications from regions that con- tain communities negatively impacted by trade. ‘‘(5) SPECIAL CONSIDERATION.—The Secretary shall give spe- cial consideration to an eligible recipient who agrees to collabo- rate with local workforce investment area boards. ‘‘(6) COST SHARE.—The Secretary may not provide more than 50 percent of the total cost of any activity funded under this subsection. ‘‘(7) USE AND APPLICATION OF RESEARCH AND INFORMATION PROGRAM.—To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary shall ensure that activities funded under this subsection use and apply any relevant research, best practices, and metrics developed under the program established in subsection (c). ‘‘(c) SCIENCE AND RESEARCH PARK DEVELOPMENT GRANTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—As part of the program established under subsection (a), the Secretary may award grants for the develop- ment of feasibility studies and plans for the construction of new science parks or the renovation or expansion of existing science parks. ‘‘(2) LIMITATION ON AMOUNT OF GRANTS.—The amount of a grant awarded under this subsection may not exceed $750,000. ‘‘(3) AWARD.— ‘‘(A) COMPETITION REQUIRED.—The Secretary shall award grants under this subsection pursuant to a full and open competition. ‘‘(B) GEOGRAPHIC DISPERSION.—In conducting a competitive process, the Secretary shall consider the need to avoid undue geographic concentration among any one category of States based on their predominant rural or urban character as indicated by population density. ‘‘(C) SELECTION CRITERIA.—The Secretary shall publish the criteria to be utilized in any competition for the selec- tion of recipients of grants under this subsection, which shall include requirements relating to the— ‘‘(i) effect the science park will have on regional economic growth and development; ‘‘(ii) number of jobs to be created at the science park and the surrounding regional community each year during its first 3 years; ‘‘(iii) funding to be required to construct, renovate or expand the science park during its first 3 years; ‘‘(iv) amount and type of financing and access to capital available to the applicant; ‘‘(v) types of businesses and research entities expected in the science park and surrounding regional community; ‘‘(vi) letters of intent by businesses and research entities to locate in the science park; ‘‘(vii) capability to attract a well trained workforce to the science park; Publication.