Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4121

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124 STAT. 4095 PUBLIC LAW 111–374—JAN. 4, 2011 in excess of 24 persons, together with a detailed explanation of the reason for the new limit.’’. (h) MINIMUM ALLOCATION FOR MULTIFAMILY PROJECTS.—Para- graph (1) of section 811(l) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(1) MINIMUM ALLOCATION FOR MULTIFAMILY PROJECTS.— The Secretary shall establish a minimum percentage of the amount made available for each fiscal year for capital advances under subsection (d)(1) that shall be used for multifamily projects subject to subsection (e)(4).’’. SEC. 4. PROJECT RENTAL ASSISTANCE. Section 811(b) is amended— (1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘is authorized—’’ and inserting ‘‘is authorized to take the following actions:’’; (2) in paragraph (1)— (A) by striking ‘‘(1) to provide tenant-based’’ and inserting ‘‘(1) TENANT-BASED ASSISTANCE.—To provide ten- ant-based’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘; and’’ and inserting a period; (3) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘(2) to provide assistance’’ and inserting ‘‘(2) CAPITAL ADVANCES.—To provide assistance’’; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(3) PROJECT RENTAL ASSISTANCE.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—To offer additional methods of financing supportive housing for non-elderly adults with disabilities, the Secretary shall make funds available for project rental assistance pursuant to subparagraph (B) for eligible projects under subparagraph (C). The Secretary shall provide for State housing finance agencies and other appropriate entities to apply to the Secretary for such project rental assistance funds, which shall be made avail- able by such agencies and entities for dwelling units in eligible projects based upon criteria established by the Sec- retary. The Secretary may not require any State housing finance agency or other entity applying for such project rental assistance funds to identify in such application the eligible projects for which such funds will be used, and shall allow such agencies and applicants to subsequently identify such eligible projects pursuant to the making of commitments described in subparagraph (C)(ii). ‘‘(B) CONTRACT TERMS.— ‘‘(i) CONTRACT TERMS.—Project rental assistance under this paragraph shall be provided— ‘‘(I) in accordance with subsection (d)(2); and ‘‘(II) under a contract having an initial term of not less than 180 months that provides funding for a term 60 months, which funding shall be renewed upon expiration, subject to the availability of sufficient amounts in appropriation Acts. ‘‘(ii) LIMITATION ON UNITS ASSISTED.—Of the total number of dwelling units in any multifamily housing project containing any unit for which project rental assistance under this paragraph is provided, the aggre- gate number that are provided such project rental assistance, that are used for supportive housing for 42 USC 8013.