Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4164

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124 STAT. 4138 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 Sec. 122. System management plan and matrix for the F–35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft program. Sec. 123. Quarterly reports on use of Combat Mission Requirements funds. Sec. 124. Counter-improvised explosive device initiatives database. Sec. 125. Study on lightweight body armor solutions. Sec. 126. Integration of solid state laser systems into certain aircraft. Sec. 127. Contracts for commercial imaging satellite capacities. TITLE II—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations Sec. 211. Enhancement of Department of Defense support of science, mathematics, and engineering education. Sec. 212. Limitation on use of funds by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agen- cy for operation of National Cyber Range. Sec. 213. Separate program elements required for research and development of Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. Sec. 214. Program for research, development, and deployment of advanced ground vehicles, ground vehicle systems, and components. Sec. 215. Demonstration and pilot projects on cybersecurity. Subtitle C—Missile Defense Programs Sec. 221. Sense of Congress on ballistic missile defense. Sec. 222. Repeal of prohibition of certain contracts by Missile Defense Agency with foreign entities. Sec. 223. Limitation on availability of funds for missile defense interceptors in Eu- rope. Sec. 224. Medium Extended Air Defense System. Sec. 225. Acquisition accountability reports on the ballistic missile defense system. Sec. 226. Authority to support ballistic missile shared early warning with the Czech Republic. Sec. 227. Report on phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe. Sec. 228. Independent review and assessment of the Ground-Based Midcourse De- fense system. Sec. 229. Iron Dome short-range rocket defense program. Subtitle D—Reports Sec. 231. Report on analysis of alternatives and program requirements for the Ground Combat Vehicle program. Sec. 232. Cost benefit analysis of future tank-fired munitions. Sec. 233. Annual Comptroller General report on the VH–(XX) presidential heli- copter acquisition program. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 241. Sense of Congress affirming the importance of Department of Defense participation in development of next generation semiconductor tech- nologies. Sec. 242. Pilot program on collaborative energy security. Sec. 243. Pilot program to include technology protection features during research and development of defense systems. TITLE III—OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding. Subtitle B—Energy and Environmental Provisions Sec. 311. Reimbursement of Environmental Protection Agency for certain costs in connection with the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, Minnesota. Sec. 312. Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated penalties in connection with Naval Air Station, Brunswick, Maine. Sec. 313. Requirements related to the investigation of exposure to drinking water at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Sec. 314. Comptroller General assessment on military environmental exposures. Subtitle C—Workplace and Depot Issues Sec. 321. Technical amendments to requirement for service contract inventory.