Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4369

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124 STAT. 4343 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (4) A description of any lessons learned from the ongoing reorganization of the organizational structure of the United States Southern Command and the United States Africa Com- mand, including an assessment of the value, if any, added by the position of civilian deputy to the commander of the United States Southern Command and to the commander of the United States Africa Command. (5) Any other matters the Secretary and the Chairman consider appropriate. TITLE X—GENERAL PROVISIONS Subtitle A—Financial Matters Sec. 1001. General transfer authority. Sec. 1002. Authorization of additional appropriations for operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Haiti for fiscal year 2010. Sec. 1003. Budgetary effects of this Act. Subtitle B—Counter-Drug Activities Sec. 1011. Unified counter-drug and counterterrorism campaign in Colombia. Sec. 1012. Extension and modification of joint task forces support to law enforce- ment agencies conducting counter-terrorism activities. Sec. 1013. Reporting requirement on expenditures to support foreign counter-drug activities. Sec. 1014. Support for counter-drug activities of certain foreign governments. Sec. 1015. Notice to Congress on military construction projects for facilities of the Department of Defense and foreign law enforcement agencies for counter-drug activities. Subtitle C—Naval Vessels and Shipyards Sec. 1021. Extension of authority for reimbursement of expenses for certain Navy mess operations. Sec. 1022. Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the naming of a naval com- bat vessel after Father Vincent Capodanno. Sec. 1023. Requirements for long-range plan for construction of naval vessels. Subtitle D—Counterterrorism Sec. 1031. Extension of certain authority for making rewards for combating ter- rorism. Sec. 1032. Prohibition on the use of funds for the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Sec. 1033. Certification requirements relating to the transfer of individuals de- tained at Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to foreign countries and other foreign entities. Sec. 1034. Prohibition on the use of funds to modify or construct facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Sec. 1035. Comprehensive review of force protection policies. Subtitle E—Homeland Defense and Civil Support Sec. 1041. Limitation on deactivation of existing Consequence Management Re- sponse Forces. Subtitle F—Studies and Reports Sec. 1051. Interagency national security knowledge and skills. Sec. 1052. Report on establishing a Northeast Regional Joint Training Center. Sec. 1053. Comptroller General report on previously requested reports. Sec. 1054. Biennial report on nuclear triad. Sec. 1055. Comptroller General study on common alignment of world regions in de- partments and agencies with international responsibilities. Sec. 1056. Required reports concerning bomber modernization, sustainment, and recapitalization efforts in support of the national defense strategy. Sec. 1057. Comptroller General study and recommendations regarding security of southern land border of the United States. Subtitle G—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations Sec. 1061. Public availability of Department of Defense reports required by law.