Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4459

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124 STAT. 4433 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 SEC. 1614. RESTRICTED REPORTING OF SEXUAL ASSAULTS. The Secretary of Defense shall clarify the limitations on the ability of a member of the Armed Forces to make a restricted report regarding the occurrence of a sexual assault and the cir- cumstances under which information contained in a restricted report may no longer be confidential. Subtitle B—Improved and Expanded Availability of Services SEC. 1621. IMPROVED PROTOCOLS FOR PROVIDING MEDICAL CARE FOR VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. The Secretary of Defense shall establish comprehensive and consistent protocols for providing and documenting medical care to a member of the Armed Forces or covered beneficiary who is a victim of a sexual assault, including protocols with respect to the appropriate screening, prevention, and mitigation of diseases. In establishing the protocols, the Secretary shall take into consider- ation the gender of the victim. SEC. 1622. SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIMS ACCESS TO VICTIM ADVOCATE SERVICES. (a) AVAILABILITY OF VICTIM ADVOCATE SERVICES.— (1) AVAILABILITY.—A member of the Armed Forces or a dependent, as described in paragraph (2), who is the victim of a sexual assault is entitled to assistance provided by a qualified Sexual Assault Victim Advocate. (2) COVERED DEPENDENTS.—The assistance described in paragraph (1) is available to a dependent of a member of the Armed Forces who is the victim of a sexual assault and who resides on or in the vicinity of a military installation. The Secretary concerned shall define the term ‘‘vicinity’’ for purposes of this paragraph. (b) NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF ASSISTANCE; OPT OUT.—The member or dependent shall be informed of the availability of assist- ance under subsection (a) as soon as the member or dependent seeks assistance from a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator. The victim shall also be informed that the services of a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and Sexual Assault Victim Advocate are optional and that these services may be declined, in whole or in part, at any time. (c) NATURE OF REPORTING IMMATERIAL.—In the case of a member of the Armed Forces, Victim Advocate services are available regardless of whether the member elects unrestricted or restricted (confidential) reporting of the sexual assault. Subtitle C—Reporting Requirements SEC. 1631. ANNUAL REPORT REGARDING SEXUAL ASSAULTS INVOLVING MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES AND IMPROVEMENT TO SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PROGRAM. (a) ANNUAL REPORTS ON SEXUAL ASSAULTS.—Not later than March 1, 2012, and each March 1 thereafter through March 1, 2017, the Secretary of each military department shall submit to 10 USC 1561 note. 10 USC 1561 note. 10 USC 1561 note.