Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4496

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124 STAT. 4470 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (1) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 2925(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘energy perform- ance plan’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘energy perform- ance master plan’’. (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.—The table of sections at the beginning of subchapter I of chapter 173 of such title is amended— (A) by striking the item relating to section 2911 and inserting the following new item: ‘‘2911. Energy performance goals and master plan for the Department of Defense.’’; and (B) by striking the item relating to section 2915 and inserting the following new item: ‘‘2915. Facilities: use of renewable forms of energy and energy efficient products.’’. Subtitle E—Land Conveyances SEC. 2841. LAND CONVEYANCE, DEFENSE FUEL SUPPORT POINT (DFSP) WHITTIER, ALASKA. (a) CONVEYANCE AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force may convey to the City of Whittier, Alaska (in this section referred to as the ‘‘City’’), all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of real property, including any improvements thereon, consisting of approximately 62 acres, located at the Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) Whit- tier, Alaska, that the Secretary making the conveyance considers appropriate in the public interest. (b) CONSIDERATION.—As consideration for the conveyance under subsection (a), the City shall pay to the Secretary conveying the property an amount that is not less than the fair market value of the property conveyed, as determined by the Secretary. The Secretary’s determination shall be final. In lieu of all or a portion of cash payment of consideration, the Secretary may accept in- kind consideration, including environmental remediation for the property conveyed. (c) PAYMENT OF COSTS OF CONVEYANCE.— (1) PAYMENT REQUIRED.—The Secretary conveying property under subsection (a) shall require the City to reimburse the Secretary to cover costs (except costs for environmental remedi- ation of the property) to be incurred by the Secretary, or to reimburse the Secretary for costs incurred by the Secretary, to carry out the conveyance under subsection (a), including survey costs, costs related to environmental documentation, and any other administrative costs related to the conveyance. If amounts are collected in advance of the Secretary incurring the actual costs, and the amount collected exceeds the costs actually incurred by the Secretary to carry out the conveyance, the Secretary shall refund the excess amount to the City of Whittier. (2) TREATMENT OF AMOUNTS RECEIVED.—Amounts received as reimbursement under paragraph (1) shall be credited to the fund or account that was used to cover those costs incurred by the Secretary in carrying out the conveyance. Amounts so credited shall be merged with amounts in such fund or account and shall be available for the same purposes, and Payments.