Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4566

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124 STAT. 4540 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—MAY 27, 2010 Whereas approximately 14,000,000 visitors a year from throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond take advantage of the vast and diverse District parklands and trails; Whereas the vision of the District is to preserve the priceless heritage of the region’s natural and cultural resources, open space, parks, and trails for the future, and to set aside park areas for enjoyment and healthful recreation for current and future generations; Whereas the mission of the District is to acquire, develop, manage, and maintain a high quality, diverse system of interconnected parklands that balances public usage and education programs with the protection and preservation of the East Bay’s most spectacular natural and cultural resources; Whereas an environmental ethic guides the District in all that it does; Whereas in 1988, East Bay voters approved the passage of Measure AA, a $225,000,000 bond to provide 20 years of funding for regional and local park acquisition and development projects; Whereas in 2008, under the strategic leadership of its Board of Directors and General Manager Pat O’Brien, East Bay voters approved passage of the historic Measure WW, a $500,000,000 renewal of the original Measure AA bond—the largest regional or local park bond ever passed in the United States; and Whereas throughout 2009, the District’s 75th Anniversary will be recognized through special events and programs: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concur- ring), That Congress— (1) recognizes the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the East Bay Regional Park District; and (2) honors the board members, general managers, and East Bay Regional Park District staff who have dutifully fulfilled the mission of protecting open space and providing outdoor recreation opportunities for generations of families in the East Bay. Agreed to May 25, 2010. ADJOURNMENT—HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concur- ring), That when the House adjourns on any legislative day from Thursday, May 27, 2010, through Tuesday, June 1, 2010, on a motion offered pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its Majority Leader or his designee, it stand adjourned until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 2010, or until the time of any reassembly pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first; and that when the Senate recesses or adjourns on any day from Thurs- day, May 27, 2010, through Tuesday, June 1, 2010, on a motion offered pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its Majority Leader May 27, 2010 [H. Con. Res. 282]