Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4582

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124 STAT. 4556 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—DEC. 15, 2010 Cultural Society of Washington, DC, Inc., with a wide variety of public programs, publications, symposia, proclamation cere- monies, and salutes to the genius and legacy of Palladio: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concur- ring), That Congress— (1) recognizes the 500th anniversary of Andrea Palladio’s birth year; (2) recognizes his tremendous influence on architecture in the United States; and (3) expresses its gratitude for the enhancement his life and career has bestowed upon the Nation’s built environment. Agreed to December 6, 2010. WHITE HOUSE FELLOWS PROGRAM—45TH ANNIVERSARY Whereas in 1964, John W. Gardner presented the idea of selecting a handful of outstanding men and women to travel to Washington, DC, to participate in a fellowship program that would educate such men and women about the workings of the highest levels of the Federal Government and about leadership, as they observed Federal officials in action and met with these officials and other leaders of society, thereby strengthening the abilities of such individuals to contribute to their communities, their professions, and the United States; Whereas President Lyndon B. Johnson established the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, through Executive Order 11183 (as amended), to create a program that would select between 11 and 19 outstanding young citizens of the United States every year and bring them to Washington, DC, for ‘‘first hand, high-level experience in the workings of the Federal Government, to establish an era when the young men and women of America and their government belonged to each other— belonged to each other in fact and in spirit’’; Whereas the White House Fellows Program has steadfastly remained a nonpartisan program that has served 9 Presidents exceptionally well; Whereas the 672 White House Fellows who have served have estab- lished a legacy of leadership in every aspect of our society, including appointments as cabinet officers, ambassadors, special envoys, deputy and assistant secretaries of departments and senior White House staff, election to the House of Representatives, Senate, and State and local governments, appointments to the Federal, State, and local judiciary, appointments as United States Attorneys, leadership in many of the largest corporations and law firms in the United States, service as presidents of colleges and universities, deans of our most distinguished graduate schools, officials in nonprofit organizations, distinguished scholars and historians, and service as senior leaders in every branch of the United States Armed Forces; Dec. 15, 2010 [S. Con. Res. 72]