Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/612

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124 STAT. 586 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(2) MEMBERSHIP.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Committee shall be composed of the following voting members: ‘‘(i) Not more than 7 voting Federal representatives appoint by the Secretary from agencies that conduct pain care research and treatment. ‘‘(ii) 12 additional voting members appointed under subparagraph (B). ‘‘(B) ADDITIONAL MEMBERS.—The Committee shall include additional voting members appointed by the Sec- retary as follows: ‘‘(i) 6 non-Federal members shall be appointed from among scientists, physicians, and other health profes- sionals. ‘‘(ii) 6 members shall be appointed from members of the general public, who are representatives of leading research, advocacy, and service organizations for individuals with pain-related conditions. ‘‘(C) NONVOTING MEMBERS.—The Committee shall include such nonvoting members as the Secretary deter- mines to be appropriate. ‘‘(3) CHAIRPERSON.—The voting members of the Committee shall select a chairperson from among such members. The selection of a chairperson shall be subject to the approval of the Director of NIH. ‘‘(4) MEETINGS.—The Committee shall meet at the call of the chairperson of the Committee or upon the request of the Director of NIH, but in no case less often than once each year. ‘‘(5) DUTIES.—The Committee shall— ‘‘(A) develop a summary of advances in pain care research supported or conducted by the Federal agencies relevant to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of pain and diseases and disorders associated with pain; ‘‘(B) identify critical gaps in basic and clinical research on the symptoms and causes of pain; ‘‘(C) make recommendations to ensure that the activi- ties of the National Institutes of Health and other Federal agencies are free of unnecessary duplication of effort; ‘‘(D) make recommendations on how best to dissemi- nate information on pain care; and ‘‘(E) make recommendations on how to expand partner- ships between public entities and private entities to expand collaborative, cross-cutting research. ‘‘(6) REVIEW.—The Secretary shall review the necessity of the Committee at least once every 2 years.’’. (c) PAIN CARE EDUCATION AND TRAINING.—Part D of title VII of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 294 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ‘‘SEC. 759. PROGRAM FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN PAIN CARE. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may make awards of grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts to health professions schools, hospices, and other public and private entities for the development and implementation of programs to provide education and training to health care professionals in pain care. 42 USC 294i.