Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/651

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124 STAT. 625 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 psychology, dentistry, pharmacy, or other allied health dis- ciplines in an accredited health professions school that is approved by the Secretary. ‘‘(3) LIMITATIONS.—No Award under paragraph (1) may be made to an eligible individual unless the individual— ‘‘(A) has submitted to the Secretary an application, at such time, in such manner, and containing such informa- tion as the Secretary may require, and the Secretary has approved such application; ‘‘(B) provides, in such form and manner as the Sec- retary may require, assurances that the individual will meet the service requirement described in paragraph (6); and ‘‘(C) provides, in such form and manner as the Sec- retary may require, assurances that the individual has a full-time faculty appointment in a health professions institution and documented commitment from such institu- tion to spend 75 percent of the total time of such individual on teaching and developing skills in interdisciplinary edu- cation in geriatrics. ‘‘(4) MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT.—An eligible individual that receives an Award under paragraph (1) shall provide assurances to the Secretary that funds provided to the eligible individual under this subsection will be used only to supplement, not to supplant, the amount of Federal, State, and local funds otherwise expended by the eligible individual.’’; and (3) in paragraph (5), as so designated— (A) in subparagraph (A)— (i) by inserting ‘‘for individuals who are physicians’’ after ‘‘this section’’; and (ii) by inserting after the period at the end the following: ‘‘The Secretary shall determine the amount of an Award under this section for individuals who are not physicians.’’; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(C) PAYMENT TO INSTITUTION.—The Secretary shall make payments to institutions which include schools of medicine, osteopathic medicine, nursing, social work, psy- chology, dentistry, and pharmacy, or other allied health discipline in an accredited health professions school that is approved by the Secretary.’’. (c) COMPREHENSIVE GERIATRIC EDUCATION.—Section 855 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 298) is amended— (1) in subsection (b)— (A) in paragraph (3), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end; (B) in paragraph (4), by striking the period and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(5) establish traineeships for individuals who are pre- paring for advanced education nursing degrees in geriatric nursing, long-term care, gero-psychiatric nursing or other nursing areas that specialize in the care of the elderly popu- lation.’’; and (2) in subsection (e), by striking ‘‘2003 through 2007’’ and inserting ‘‘2010 through 2014’’. Determination.