Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/709

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124 STAT. 683 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (III) Identifying and selecting data to populate the key national indicators described under sub- clause (II). (IV) Designing, publishing, and maintaining a public website that contains a freely accessible database allowing public access to the key national indicators. (V) Developing a quality assurance framework to ensure rigorous and independent processes and the selection of quality data. (VI) Developing a budget for the construction and management of a sustainable, adaptable, and evolving key national indicator system that reflects all Commission funding of Academy and, if an Institute is established, Institute activities. (VII) Reporting annually to the Commission regarding its selection of issue areas, key indica- tors, data, and progress toward establishing a web- accessible database. (VIII) Responding directly to the Commission in response to any Commission recommendations and to the Academy regarding any inquiries by the Academy. (iv) GOVERNANCE.—Upon the establishment of a key national indicator system, the Academy shall create an appropriate governance mechanism that incorporates advisory and control functions. If an Institute is designated under clause (i)(II), the govern- ance mechanism shall balance appropriate Academy involvement and the independence of the Institute. (v) MODIFICATION AND CHANGES.—The Academy shall retain the sole discretion, at any time, to alter its approach to the establishment of a key national indicator system or, if an Institute is designated under clause (i)(II), to alter any aspect of its relationship with the Institute or to designate a different non- profit entity to serve as the Institute. (vi) CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the ability of the Academy or the Institute designated under clause (i)(II) to receive private funding for activities related to the establish- ment of a key national indicator system. (D) ANNUAL REPORT.—As part of the arrangement under subparagraph (A), the National Academy of Sciences shall, not later than 270 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, submit to the Co- Chairpersons of the Commission a report that contains the findings and recommendations of the Academy. (d) GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE STUDY AND REPORT.— (1) GAO STUDY.—The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct a study of previous work conducted by all public agencies, private organizations, or foreign countries with respect to best practices for a key national indicator system. The study shall be submitted to the appropriate author- izing committees of Congress. Reports.