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PUBLIC LAW 113–287—DEC. 19, 2014

statue, marker, guidepost, or other structure, tree, shrub, or plant that is destroyed, defaced, injured, cut, or removed, or both.

“(d) Trespassing in a National Military Park To Hunt or Shoot.—An individual who trespasses in a national military park to hunt or shoot, or hunts game of any kind in a national military park with a gun or dog, or sets a trap or net or other device in a national military park to hunt or catch game of any kind, shall be imprisoned not less than 5 nor more than 30 days, fined under this title, or both.

Ҥ 1866. Historic, archeologic, or prehistoric items and antiquities

“(a) Violation of Regulations Authorized by Chapter 3201 of Title 54.—A person that violates any of the regulations authorized by chapter 3201 of title 54 shall be fined under this title and be adjudged to pay all cost of the proceedings.

“(b) Appropriation of, Injury to, or Destruction of Historic or Prehistoric Ruin or Monument or Object of Antiquity.—A person that appropriates, excavates, injures, or destroys any historic or prehistoric ruin or monument or any other object of antiquity that is situated on land owned or controlled by the Federal Government without the permission of the head of the Federal agency having jurisdiction over the land on which the object is situated, shall be imprisoned not more than 90 days, fined under this title, or both.”.

(2) Table of contents.—The table of contents of chapter 91 of title 18, United States Code,18 USC prec. 1851. is amended by adding at the end the following:
  • “1865. National Park Service.
“1866. Historic, archeologic, or prehistoric items and antiquities.”.

(b) Title 28.

(1) In general.—Part VI of title 28, United States Code,28 USC prec. 5001. is amended by adding at the end the following:


  • “Sec.
  • “5001. Civil action for death or personal injury in a place subject to exclusive jurisdiction of United States.

Ҥ 5001. Civil action for death or personal injury in a place subject to exclusive jurisdiction of United States

“(a) Death.—In the case of the death of an individual by the neglect or wrongful act of another in a place subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States within a State, a right of action shall exist as though the place were under the jurisdiction of the State in which the place is located.

“(b) Personal Injury.—In a civil action brought to recover on account of an injury sustained in a place described in subsection (a), the rights of the parties shall be governed by the law of the State in which the place is located.”.

(2) Table of contents.—The table of contents of part VI of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
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(c) Act of May 26, 2000.—Section 1 of Public Law 106–206 (114 Stat. 314)16 USC 460l–6d. is amended to read as follows: