Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/146

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118 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 106, 107. 1864. Contents of formation in relation to said associations as, in his judgment, may bg comptroller’s re- uscfmo pm to congress. Second. A statement of the associations whose business has been closed during the year, with the amount of their circulation redeemed and the amount outstanding. Third. Any amendment to the laws relative to banking by which the system may be improved, and the security of the holders of its notes and other creditors may be increased. Fourth. The names and compensation of the clerks employed by him, and the whole amount of the expenses of the banking department during the year. And such report shall be made by or before the first day of December in each year, and the usual number of copies for the use of the senate and house, and one thousand copies for the use of the department, shall be printed by the public printer and in readiness for distribution at the first meeting of congress. R, l,,,- ad, Sec. 62. And be it further enacted, That the act entitled "An act to ¤f 18%; 58- provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, V°l'x“'P' °°5‘ and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereot§" approved February twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, is hereby re- Savingclauses- pealed: Provided, That such repeal shall not affect any appointments made, acts done, or proceedings had, or the organization, acts, or proceedings of any association organized or in the process of organization under the act aforesaid: And provided, also. That all such associations so organized or in process of organization shall enjoy all the rights and privileges granted, and be subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions imposed by this act, and with the approval of the comptroller of the currency, in lieu of the name specified in their respective organization certificates, may take any other name preferred by them and duly certified to the comptroller, without prejudice to any right acquired under this act, or under the act hereby repealed; but no s ch change shall be made after six months from the passage of this act: lgrovided, also, That the circulation issued or to be issued by such association shall be considered as a part of the circulation provided for in this act. Executors, Sec. 63. And be it further enacted That persons holding stock as

l‘3’;‘;°§·g)‘:i executors, administrators, guardians, and trustees, shall not be personally

nofto bg pm},,- subject to any liabilities as stockholders; but the estates and funds in ally liable their hands shall be liable in like manner and to the same extent as the testator, intestate, ward, or person interested in said trust-funds would be if they were respectively living and competent to act and hold the stock in their own names. Act may be Sec. 64. And be it further enacted, That congress may at any time g2g3g °* ’°‘ amend, alter, or repeal this act. Approved, June 3, 1864. June 3, 1864. CHAP. CVII. —-An Act to amend an Act relative to the Public Printing. 3,5;:; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Requisition for States qf.A.mcrtca in Congress assembled, That that part of the act entitled rintiug, &c_, to “A¤ act to supply denciencies in the appropriations for the service of the he made by as- fiscal yearending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, Zgsggflfegzxigl and for other purposes," approved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred departments_ and sixty-four, as provides " that hereafter no printing or binding shall be done or blank books be procured for any of the executive departments of the government without a written requisition on the superintendent of public printing from the head of such department," be, and the same is hereby, amended by inserting after the word "department," where it is last above written, the following words, viz : " or his assistant or assista¤t8,” so that it will read -— " the head of such department or his assistant or assistants." Approved, June 3, 1864.