Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/158

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130 THIRTY—-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 124,125. 1864 enable the pay department to make payment in accordance with such determination. Eulistments Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all enlistmcuts hereafter M0 *}*6 ¢‘°€¤‘¤*` made in the regular army of the United States, during the continuance mZ;&P° for of the present rebellion, may be for the term of three years. Arprwvnn, June 15, 1864. Juno 15, 1864. Can. CXXV.—An Act to incmpcrats the Home for Friendms Women and Children. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Home for the States of America in Oongress assembled, That Mary T. Hay, Eliza M, {¤1i¢F<>f*`¤‘i¤¤dé Morris, Jane F. James, Eliza. Wade Fitzgerald, Georgianallr. Speaks, (35m]?;:,??;; Emily B. Ruggles, Indiana Plant, Mary Grayham, Mama Vxrgnma Brown, poratsd. and their associates and successors, are hereby created a body corporate and politic, with ahcornmon seal, the right of succession, with ability to sue and liability to be sued as a natural person, and the said corporation shall be known by the name of “The Home for the Relief of Friendless Women Objects and and Children? The business of said corporation shall be the establishllfgggs °f °°’P°‘ ment, in the city of Washington, or at a convenient and eligible point not ' exceeding in distance seven miles from the city, of an institution where provision can be made by public charity for the care and relief of friendless and deserving females, and for the care and maintenance of young orphan or destitute children, male or female, who may be or are likely w become a charge upon public charity. And said corporation shall possess and enjoy all the powers essential and proper for the carrying out of the purposes of its creation. Bgaland pe,. Sec. 2. And be it fun/wr enacted, That said corporation may receive, vom! ¢¤*~v-fe- take, and hold, by purchase, gift, or devise, any real or personal estate, for the purposes contemplated in this act: Provided, however, That the nett annual income of their real estate shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars. Fmt bond of Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Mary T. Hay, Eliza. M. Mormmmgm. ris, Eliza Wade Fitzgerald, Georgiana Speaks, Emily B. Ruggles, Indiana. Plant, Jane F. James, Mary Grayham, Maria Virginia Brown, shall constitute the board of managers until the first Monday of May, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-Eve, and until their successors shall be chosen or elected as herein provided. A meeting of the members of the associa- Msetiug of tion shall be held on the first Monday of May, eighteen hundred and sixty- ¤}¤L¤b*“·¥¤ °*` ¤¤¤°‘ five, at some convenient hour and place, in the city of Washington, of °'“ °”' which two weeks’ public notice shall be given by the board of managers, in two daily newspapers published in the city of Washington ; and at such meeting the members of the association who shall be present shall proceed to elect a board of managers in the places of those hereby designated 01* authorized; and any manager may be reélected from time to time. Each member, at such meeting, shall be entitled to one vote. An annual meet- _ Annual meet- ing of the associates or corporators shall, in like manner and upon like "‘g· notice, be held on the first Monday of May, in each year after eighteen hundred and sixty-five, for the election of managers for the ensuing year; but ii, in any case, the said meeting shall, for any reason, fail to be held on the day herein designated, the same may, upon the notice above pro- Term or omm vided, be held on any other day within three months thereafter; and the 0f m¤¤¤K¤¤· managers then elected shall hold their oiices until the first Monday of May next ensuing, and until their successors shall be chosen, as aforesaid. Vacancies. The said board of managers shall have power to fill any vacancies occurring therein between the regular elections above provided in this act, and a majority of said board shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. Mnnégsmeut Sec. 4. And be it jbrther enacted, That the board of managers shall °“h° Om- have power to appoint such agents, msu-ons, assistants, and teachers, Mid to employ such domestics and servants, as shall be deemed necessary, and