Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/209

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 148, 149. 1864. 181 dered to congress at the commencement of the next session thereof And all purchases of articles for the purposes above set forth shall be Purchases to made of the lowest responsible bidder, after sufficient public notice by g;‘“”L(}§§;;?w°St’ advertisement in appropriate newspapers: Provided, also, That the said " secretary shall not be required to accept any bid which is in his judgment unreasonable in its character: Provided, further, That no part of Limit to eXp,,,,_ said annuities shall be expended for Indians outside of the Indian Terri- dimes. tory south of Kansas, except in providing for such individual Indians or families as are sick and unable to remove to that territory, or such as may be driven out of that territory by armed rebels, after the passage of this act. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the temporary subsistence hW°*$pPl§“k°‘ of the Weas, Piankeshaws, Peorias, and Kaskaskias, and furnishing the inzwgwiérgsg same with clothing, five thousand dollars. Approved, June 25, 1864. om. oxmx -A» Aa to providejgir as Examination ty mm cam we J¤¤¤ 25. 1864- ma;. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That every quartermaster and %¤=·1¥*F¤;¤¤i$*€F¤ assistant quartermaster, and every commissary and assistant commissary gid fg3f;;;;;,,, of subsistence, and every paymaster and additional paymaster shall, as and assistants, to soon as practicable, be ordered to appear for examination as to his quali— be “X“ml“°d· tications before a board to be composed of three staff officcrs of the corps E¤<¤mi¤i¤g to which he belongs, of recognized merit and fitness, of whom two at least 2;°*;:g;S;t,Y'h°m shall be officers of volunteers, which board shall make a careful examina- i tion as to the qualihcations of all officers who may appear before them in pursuance of this act, and shall also keep minutes and make a full and what t° d°l true record of the examination in each case. And all members of such boards of examination shall, before proceeding to the discharge of their duties as herein provided, swear or affirm that they will conduct all exam- *0 bs SW°m- inations with impartiality, and with a sole view to the qualifications of the person or persons to be examined, and that they will not divulge the vote of any member upon the examination of any officer who may appear before them. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted That such boards of examination _Boards ntsxsmshall be convened under the direction of the Secretary of War, by the ;‘;’;‘1‘;g“$‘j"°°“' quartermaster-general, the commissary-general of subsistence, and the ’ paymaster-general, at convenient places ; and general rules of examination and a standard of qualifications shall be prescribed by said ofdcers, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War, and shall be published in general orders. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted That after such general orders shall Qiiicers neghave been published for sixty days, if any officer who shall then he or- }g:t;;§I:§;‘g§g’ dered before a board of examiners, under the provisions of this act, shall fail new punished. i for thirty days, after receiving such special order, to report himself as directed, all his pay and allowances shall cease and be forfeited until he does appear and report for examination; and if he shall still thereafter fail for a further period of thirty days so to appear, he shall thereupon be dropped from the rolls of the army: Provided, however, That if such Pmvism failure to appear and report shall have been occasioned by wounds or sickness, or other physical disability, then there shall be no forfeiture of pay until thirty days after such disability has been removed; but if in sixty days after the disability is removed the officer shall not report himself, he shall then be dropped from the rolls as in other cases. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That if the board of examination Ifouicers do_ shall report that any officer does not possess the requisite business quali- Egzigfxiilimik Ecations, they shall forward the record of the examination of such omccr medi,,};, to bg VOL. xm. Pun.-- 16 had.