Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/214

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186 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. SESs. I. Ch. 155. 1864. Index. the House, with a complete alphabetical index, prepared under the direction of the joint committee on public printing. Advmgmmmt Sec. 8., And be it further enacted, That section seven of the joint fw Dt0D0M}? f“<•1‘ resolution in relation to the public printing, approved June twenty-three, §’;§_°r f" pmt" eighteen hundred and sixty, be so amended as to require the superintendy,,l_XH_ P_ u8_ ent of public printing to advertise only in two newspapers, published in the cities of New York, Cincinnati, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, for thirty days prior to the first day of November of each year, for proposals for furnishing the paper necessary for the execution of the public rintin . Li*h<>€¤‘¤Dhi¤S P Smi;9. And be it further enacted, That all lithographing and en- ?:(:,,,°g€,°,;`g2§ to graving, where the probable total cost of the maps or plates illustrating lowest bidder,i.fQ or accompanying any one work exceeds two hundred and fifty dollars, &°· shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder for the interests of the government, due regard being paid to the execution of the work, after _ due advertisement by the superintendent of public printing, under the P'°""°· direction of the joint committee on printing: Provided, That the joint committee on public printing be authorized to empower the superintendent of public printing to make immediate contracts for engraving, whenever, in their opinion, the exigencies of the public service will not justify waitin for advertisement and award. _ Sec? 10. And be it further enacted That whenever any person may d0E§g;nf;P‘°“ °f desire extra copies of any document printed at the government printing ` office by authority of law, and shall notify the superintendent of public printing of the number of copies desired previous to its being put to press, and shall pay, in advance, the estimated cost thereof to said superintendent, the superintendent shall be authorized, under the direction of the joint Proceeds of committee on public printing, to furnish such extra copies; and the money “°l°“ °f8‘g°°“‘ so received, together with moneys received by him from the sales of mmm c` paper shavings and imperfections, shall be deposited in the treasury of the United States to the credit of the appropriations for public printing, binding, and paper, respectively, as designated by said superintendent ; and, further, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to cause the moneys heretofore deposited by said superintendent in the treasury of the United States, being the proceeds of sales of paper shavings and imperfections, to be placed to the credit of the appropriations aforesaid, which said several sums of money shall be subject to the requisition of said superintendent in the manner now prescribed by law. P*P‘?l'$'°ml“8 Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That whenever papers relating to W f°r°1gu °‘€ms' foreign affairs shall be communicated to congress accompanying the annual message of the President, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public printing to cause to be printed and bound, in addition to the Numb,,, of usual number, four thousand copies for the use of the members of the <><>pi¤¤· Senate, seven thousand copies for the use of the members of the House of Representatives, and such number for the executive department as the President shall direct. Fopnnd style Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the forms and style in which gLf£;‘°‘“g “° the printing or binding ordered by any of the departments shall be exeg` cuted, the materials and size of type to be used, shall be determined by the superintendent of public printing, having proper regard to economy, workmanship, and the purposes for which the work is needed. Revealing Sec. 13. And be it farther enacted, That all laws, or parts of laws, °]*‘““°‘ joint resolutions, or parts of joint resolutions, conflicting with the above provisions, be, and they are hereby, repealed. Approved, June 25, 1864.