Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/226

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I98 THIRTY—EIGH'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 164. 1864. otherwise, or shall unload the same, or any part thereof, at any other than such port or place, or shall sell or dispose of the contents of such vessel, car, or other vehicle, or any part thereof, before such delivery, he shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof, before any court of competent jurisdiction, pay a line not exceeding one thousand dollars, or shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding Eve years, or both, at the discretion of the court; and such vessel, car, or other vehicle, with its contents, shall be forfeited to the United- States, and may be seized wherever found within the United States, and disposed of and sold as in other Proviso. cases of forfeiture: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be prevent sales of cargo, in whole or in part, prior to arrival, to he delivered as per manifest., and alier due inspection. Pcn¤1tyf<>ljun— Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That if any unauthorized person or L“;';f“i l?’°°"k"’g persons shall wilfully break, cut, pick, open, or remove any wire, seal, pemng, &c., , seals, fastenings, lead, lock, or other fastening or mark attached to any vessel, car, or other &¤· vehicle, crate, box, bag, bale, basket, barrel, bundle, cask, trunk, package, or parcel, or anything whatsoever, under and by virtue of this act and regulations authorized by it, or any other act of congress, or shall aiiix or attach, or in any way wilfully aid, assist, or encourage the aftixing or attaching, by wire or otherwise, to any vessel, car, or other vehicle, or to any crate, box, bale, barrel, bag, basket, bundle, cask, package, parcel, article, or thing of any kind, any seal, lead, metal, or anything purporting to be a seal authorized by law, such person or persons shall be deemed guilty of felony, and, upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding five years, or shall pay a fine of not exceeding one thousand dollars, or `both, at the discretion of the court. And each vessel, car, or other vehicle, crate, box, bag, basket, barrel, bundle, cask, trunk, package, parcel, or other thing, with the cargo, or contents thereof, from which the wire, seal, lead, lock, or other fastening or mark shall have been broken, cut, picked, opened, or · removed by any such unauthorized person or persons, or to which such seal or other thing purporting to be a seal, has been wrongfully attached as aforesaid, shall be forfeited to the United States. Penalty undef Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of ¤°j*186§·h°h- 169, this act the penalty for violating any of the provisions of the first section g,,,;,?,fd_ °w of the act entitled "An act to further provide for the collection of the Vol. xii. p. 571. revenue upon the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontier, and for other purposes," approved July fourteen, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, shall be a fine of one hundred dollars, and the same shall be disposed of and applied as herein provided for the distribution of hues and penalties recovered by virtue of this act; and so much of the said iirst section as conilicts herewith is hereby repealed. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint whenever he shall think it Additional in- necessary, additional inspectors of the revenue for the districts named ¤P°°*°”· below, as follows, to wit: Passamaquoddy, Maine, four; Portland and Falmouth, Maine, eight; Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts, fourteen; Pembina, Minnesota, two; Chicago, Illinois, eight; Michilimackinac, Michigan, two; Sandusky, Ohio, one; Cuyahoga, Ohio, three; Erie, Pennsylvania, one ; Dunkirk, New York, one; Budalo Creek, New York, six; Niagara, two; Genesee, two; Oswego, tive; Oswegatchie, two; Champlain, four; Vermont, two. Secretary may Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the '1`reasury remit certain shall have authority to remit in whole or in part, and upon such terms as 6“°“· &°‘ he shall judge right, the fines, penalties, or forfeitures incurred or accruing · under the provisions of this act, or of said act approved July fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, it, in his opinion, the same shall have been incurred without wilful negligence or any intention of fraud in the person or persons incurring the same; and he shall have authority to