Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/242

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214 '1`HIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 171. 1864. On cork, bark or wood, unmanufactured, thirty per centum ad valorem. On corks, and cork bark manufactured, fifty per centum ad valorem. On hatters’ furs, not on the skin, and dressed furs on the skin, twenty per centum ad valorem. Furs on the skin, undressed, ten per cent. ad valorem. On tire-crackers, one dollar per box of forty packs, not exceeding eighty to each pack, and in the same proportion for any greater number. On gutta—percha, manufactured, forty per centum ad valorem. Gunpowder. On gunpowder and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per pound, a duty of six cents per pound, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem ; valued above twenty cents per pound, a duty of ten cents per pound, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem. Marble- On marble, white statuary, brocatella, sienna, and verdantique, in block, pm, p_ 493_ rough or squared, one dollar per cubic foot, and in addition thereto twenty- five per centum ad valorem. On veined marble and marble of all other descriptions, not otherwise provided for, in block, rough or squared, fifty cents per cubic foot, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem. Mineralwsters. On mineral or medicinal waters, or waters from springs impregnated with minerals, for each bottle or jug containing not more than one quart, three cents, and in addition thereto twenty-tive per centum ad valorem; containing more than one quart, three cents for each additional quart, or fractional part thereof, and in addition thereto twenty-Eve per centum ad valorem. On palm-leaf fans, one cent each. Pipes, Ste. On pipes, clay, common or white, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On meerschaum, wood, porcelain, lava, and all other tobacco-smoking pipes and pipe-bowls, not herein otherwise` provided for, one dollar and fifty cents per gross, and in addition thereto seventy-five per centum ad valorem. On pipe-cases, pipe-stems, tips, mouthpieces, and metallic mountings for pipes, and all parts of pipes or pipe fixtures, and all smoker’s articles, seventy-five per centum ad valorcm. On pen-tips and pen—holders, or parts thereof, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On pens, metallic, ten cents per gross, and in addition thereto twenty- five per centum ad valorem. Soap. On soap, fancy, perfumed, honey, transparent, and all descriptions of toilet and shaving soap, ten cents per pound, and in addition thereto twenty-five per centum ad valorem. On all soap not otherwise provided for, one cent per pound, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem. On starch, made of potatoes or corn, one cent per pound, and twenty per centum ad valorem. On starch, made of rice, or any other material, three cents per pound, and twenty per centum ad valorem. On rice, cleaned, two and a half cents per pound; on uncleaned, two cents per pound. On paddy, one cent and a half per pound. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That on the entry of any vessel, Decision of or of any goods, wares, or merchandise, the decision of the collector of §‘£§,°€grb‘f ,;;,1 customs at the port of importation and entry, as to the rate and amount of unless written ’ duties to be paid on the tonnage of such vessel or on such goods, wares, °’?J<*°*i<>¤S m or merchandise, andthe dutiable costs and charges thereon, shall be final given 111 ten . . . . d,,yS_ and conclusive against all persons interested therein, unless the owner, master, commander, or consignee of such vessel, in the case of duties levied on tonnage, or the owner, importer, consignee, or agent of the merchan-