Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/30

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2 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4, 5. 1864. &F··°fm€¤i¤ appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro. gjgggem d°Pm` priated, the sum of seven hundred thousand six hundred and twelve doll lars and thirteen cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry 1862, ch. 49, into effect the act approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and "°1‘ xii' l" 374* sixty-two, to secure to the officers znwen actplally emplolysd gn thedWest. ern department, or department 0 SSOUT1, e1r pay, un y, an pen- P e t, to sion: Provided, however That in the payment of the money hereby wh‘;;T° be appropriated, such payment shall be made directly to the officers or made' soldiers by whom the services were rendered, or to their personal repre- A ‘ t senfatives,fpr to thirdagepfs appoépted by pptprers pglpizgrpsly a13dB1p;:;- , $$*Q¤¤*€¤ S signment o any sum ue anyo cer or so 1er s 1; s I - mv°‘hd‘ ments to be made by paymasters of the United States army: Provided When attorney further, however, That any person holding a power of attorney authorizm”Y Y°“i"" ih ing the receipt by him of the amount to be paid to any officer or soldier may upon making and filing an affidavit to the effect that he is acting in the premises purely as agent without personal interesg, tléat he;v1ll pay over the amount received either to the solcher or m is a sence to his wife or children, for their benefit, be entitled. to receive such amount. Approved, January 22, 1864. Jan. 22, 1864. CHAP. IV. ——An Act to amenpll pgsqggirging Articles to be admitted mto t/ne ··—·····*·*‘ a o e nt . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Cm,,;,, mms, States of America in Congress assembled, That articles of clothing, being ¤>¤“¢l<>fhi¤s_¤¤=¤>’ manufactured of wool, cotton, or linen, and comprised m a package not §;$,§gf"°° m m° exceeding two poirndsiin Hrleight, addrpsipld 3 apeyl ngpgpommissicpiedromcer or priva e serving m e armies 0 e n1 es, may e ans- Rste of post- mitted in the mails of the United States at the rate of eight cents, to be

    • 8% *° bs P"“‘ in all cases prepaid for every four ounces, or any fraction thereof, subject

paid . ’ - ' to such regulauons as the Postmaster-General may prescribe. Approved, January 22, 1864. hm 26, 1g6L Crur. V`. T- An Act to change the Rlace %bolding the Circuit and District Courts of the ··---—-—-——— United States, jbr the District of est Tennessee, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Terms of Few States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the circuit and eral circuit and district courts of the United States for the district of West Tennessee <§,¤*Y2¤,i_°°¤’°¤ in shall be holden at the city of Memphis in said district, on the nrst Mon- " °“°°SE°e` dply in Marching thfi first Monday in Sleptembexi ofpach year,] and la; no o er p ace. n a process, CIV] an cr1m1na w 1C may ave en, or hereafter may be, issued, returnable to said coul·ts at Jackson or Huntingdon, in said district, shall be returned to said courts, respectively, at the city of Memphis; and all books and records of every kindapertaining to sa1d courts, shall be transferred from the places where Sald courts have heretofore been held to the city of Memphis. Special tems_ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the judges of the United States circuit court and of the United States district court for the several districts of Tennessee, may, whenever in their opinion the public interests require it, appoint special terms of their respective courts at Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis, to be holden at such times as said judges, re- Ylm DOHC, spectixpdy, shall deeimdmoslt cezpduciveto the gpodl pgtice cgfpelaclp to c given. specia erm appom e un er 16 provisions o IS ac s \ e publishe in at least one newspaper printed in the town or city in which a term is to be held, for four consecutive weeks. Approved, January 26, 1864.