Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/391

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THIBTY— EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 216. 1864. 363 telegraph as shall so be in continuation of its constructed road and tel- tieggiizgniggnu. ggmph, and to the construction and equipment thereof, all and singular, dm, (,,g,,,,,,,,_ the several acts and things hereinbefore provided, authorized, or granted tion. to be done by the. company hereinbefore authorized to construct and equip the same, and shall be entitled to similar and like grants, benefits, immunities, guarantees, acts, and things to be done and performed by the gov ernment of the United States, by the President of the United States, by the Secretaries of the Treasury and Interior, and by commissioners in reference to such company, and to such portion of the' road hereinbefore authorized to be constructed by it, and upon the like and similar terms and conditions, so far as the same are applicable thereto. And said consolidated company shall pay to said defaulting company the value to be estimated by competent engineers of all the work done and material furnished by said defaulting company, which may be adopted and used by said consolidated company in the progress of the work under the provisions of this section: Provided, nevertheless, That said defaulting company may at Pmviso. any time, before receiving pay for its said work and material, as hereinbefore provided, An its own election, pay said consolidated company the value of the work done and material furnished by said consolidated company, to be estimated by competent engineers, necessary for, and used in, the construction of the road of said defaulting company, and resume the control of its said road ; and all the rights, benents, and privileges which shall be acquired, possessed, or exercised, pursuant to this section, shall be to that extent an abatement of the rights, benefits, and privileges hereinbefore granted to such other company. And in case any company authorized thereto, shall not enter into such consolidated organization, such company, upon the completion of its road as hereinbefore provided, shall be entitled to, and is hereby authorized to, continue and extend the same under the circumstances, and in accordance with the provisions of this section, and to have all the benefits thereof; as fully and completely as are herein provided, touching such consolidated-organization. And in case more than one such consolidated organization shall be made, pursuant to this act, the terms and conditions of this act, hereinbefore recited as to _ one, shall apply in like manner, force, and effect to the other. Provided, P*°“s°· however, That rights and interests at any time acquired by one. such consolidated organization, shall not be impaired by another thereofi It is further provided that, should the Central Pacino Railroad Company of California complete their line to the eastern line of the State of California, before the line of the Union Pacino Railroad Company shall have been extended westward so as to meet the line of said nrst-named company, said first-named company may extend their line of road eastward one hundred and nfty miles on the established route, so as to meet and connect with the line of the Union Pacino road, complying in all respects with the provisions and restrictions of this act as to said Union_ Pacino road,` and upon doing so, shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by this act on said Union Pacific Railroad Company. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That so much of section fourteen _IBrencn from of said act as relates to a branch from Sioux City be, and the same is S'Q§g‘2°;§",20 hereby, amended so as to read as follows: That whenever a line of rail- s 14. ’ ° ° road shall be completed through the States of Iowa, or Minnesota, to V°l·Xii· P- *96- Sioux City, such company, now organized or may hereafter be organized under the laws of Iowa, Minnesota, Dakgta, or Nebraska, as the President of the United States, by its request, may designate or approve for that purpose, shall construct and operate a line of railroad and telegraph from Sioux City, upon the most direct and practicable route, to such a point on, and so as to connect with, the Iowa branch of the Union Pacino Railroad from Omaha, or the Union Pacino Railroad, as such company may select, and on the same terms and conditions as are provided in this act and the act to which this is an amendment, for the construction of the