Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/408

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880 THIRTY—~EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 237. 1864. ments, batteries, or other organizations from among those of their respective states which at the time of assignment may not be filled to their maximum number. msoimgo of Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the twentieth section of the migglghucuou of act entitled, "An act to amend an act entitled ‘ An act for enrolling and m 186,,, 0h_ 13, calling out the national forces, and for other purposes,"’ approved Feb- 9 20. ruary twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall be construed to ]—gg‘g°·c£· mean that the Secretary of War shall discharge minors under the age of v,,1_,Q,,_i,_ 731. eighteen years under the circumstances and on the conditions prescribed Persons on- in said section; and hereafter, if any officer of the United States shall USM ¤¤d¤¤‘_Si=<- enlist or muster into the military service any person under the age of §;;g;°di’° dm' sixteen years, with or without the consent of his parent or guardian, such person so enlisted or recruited shall be immediately discharged upon repayment of all bounties received; and such recruiting or mustering ofli- Penalty for cer who shall knowingly enlist any person under sixteen years of age, };*§;;’餣§h¤;1__ shiplpplpfmisspd the servqpq, with forfeitqlre of all pay and allo$nces, mm an s e su ject to suc urt er punis ment as a court-marf may direct. Di-afttcbs Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That section three of an act enti- ’“”d° f'" 100 p" tled "An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act for enrollin d calli cent. more than g an ng quota out the national forces, and for other purposes,"’ approved February 1864- <>l¤· 13, 5 3· twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and the same is hereby, Am°’ p' 6’ amended, so as to authorize and direct district provost-marshals, under the direction of the provost-marshal general, to make a draft for one hundred per centum in addition to the number required to fill the quota of any district as provided by said section. Transportation Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That instead of travelling pay, all

1*; :¤éi“;`F°m mu- drafted persons reporting at the place of rendezvous shall be allowed

` transportation from their places of residence; and persons discharged at thexplace of rendezvous shall be allowed transportation to their places of residence. _ Certain pci-sons Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That all persons in the naval ser- Ec“”€;*‘L;°’“°°» vice of the United States who have entered said service during the presm§;wd_ ent rebellion, who have not been credited to the quota of any town, district, ward, or state, by reason of their being in said service and not pnrollqld lprior to February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty- our, s a be enrolled and credited to the quotas of the town, ward, district, or state, in which they respectively reside, upon satisfactory proof of their residence made to the Secretary of War. fmlxrsgpie $2;:* Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That, if any person duly drafted shall dnmdwbs be absent from home in prosecution of his usual business, the provostnotitisd. marshal of the district sl1all cause him to be duly notified as soon as may Not to be be, and he shall not be deemed a descrter, nor liable as such, until notice g;m‘°g¤;d°S°"°' has been given to him, and reasonable time allowed for him to return ’ and report to the provost-marshal of his district; but such absence shall not otherwise affect his liability under this act. Actot‘1864,ch. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That nothing contained in this H7. 110* ¤l¤*1‘¤d· act shall be construed to alter, or in any way affect, the provisions of the Am' p` 9` seventeenth section of an act approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled ‘ A11 act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes,’ " approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. Substitutes Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That nothing contained in this act, MY b°*°'m5h°d- shall be construed to alter or change the provisions of existing laws relative to permitting persons liable to military service to furnish substitutes. Approved, July 4, 1864.