Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/437

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 43, 45. 1864. 409 eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, and which was published by order of con- l/Q5, ch- grass in the year eighteen hundred and Hfiy-seven; and whereas said code °x' p` ' is believed to have been a comprehensive, complete, and accurate compilation of the laws of said District at the period of its execution, and that measures should be taken to have the work brought down to the present time and perfected: Therefore — Be it resolved by the Senate and Hama of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the committees on the District of Columbia of the two houses of congress, respectively, be instructed to cause said code to be so revised, amended, and corrected, and Revised codcto also the laws of congress for said District passed since the compilation :’:£'€G“9ht d°“’“ aforesaid, as shall adapt the same to the present condition of the laws, and ` may employ not more than two suitable persons on the preparation of the work, at a compensation of ten dollars per day for the time employed. And said code so prepared shall be printed by direction of said committees in a neat and convenient form for the use of the committees and congress; and said committees shall report the same to their respective houses at the next session of congress for adoption. Approved, June 18, 1864. [No. 48.] A Resolution explanatory of an Act entitled "An Act extending the Timefzr the June 18, 1864. completion of the Marquette and Onamagm Badroad of the Scare of llbbhiqanf Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States AM; p- 1Q37- qf America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the act entitled acE;‘:;“;';’; °f “ An act extending the time for the completion of the Marquette and On- the Marquette tonagon railroad of the State of Michigan," shall be °so construed as to Mi? (;¤;*°¤¤S°¤ extend the time for completing only so much of said road as lies between m r° ' Marquette and Outonagon. Approved, June 18, 1864. [N0: Joint Resolution authorizing the Sddddiy of the Navy to amend the Contract June 25, 1¥.64· mth olm Ericss¢mj2n· the Construction cfiwo impregnable Floating Batteries, the “Dic- "'_`“—"”` tutor " and the “Puritan? WHEREAS the Navy Department on the twenty-eighth day of July, P¤¤¤¤¤bl¤· eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entered into contract with Capt. John Ericsson, of the city of New York, for the construction of two impregnable floating batteries, the “Dictator " and the “Puritan ;" and whereas experience with a similar class of vessels in actual conflict and during a varied service of more than two years has demonstrated that many improvements could be made to render them more complete and efficient as vessels of war; and whereas these improvements have added largely to the cost of construction of each of these vessels, rendering it impossible for the contractor to complete them under existing arrangements; and whereus it is of the utmost importance to the honor and interests of the country that they should be Hnished and ready for service at the earliest moment : Therefore, Be it resolved ky the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy 0 t Th be, and he is hereby, authorized to amend the existing contract for the con- Johzngigssgg in struction` of these vessels so far as it relates to the “Puritan," and to repurglto the appoint a competent board to ascertain the present value, as far as com- L;?;;,, pleted, of that vessel, and of the material on hand deemed actually neces- ` sary to her construction, and to pay to Capt. John Ericsson, the contractor, the amount of valuation so ascertained, deducting therefrom any sums already advanced towards the complition of said vessel; and that upon said payment being made by the Secretary of the Navy the rights of the contractor to said vessel and material, or any portion thereof, shall cease VOL. xm. Pon.-3.5