Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/466

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438 THIRTY--EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 54, 50. 1865. rcctor af an army corps in the Held, or of: a department in which there are United States general hospitals conts.mingless ths.n four thousand beds, shall have the rank, pay, and emolumeuts of a. heutcuant-colonel of eavhY¤€=*¢=¤¤»Y!¤W elry. But this increased rank aud pay shall only couuuue to medical E? °°“"°"' officers while discharging such special duties; the assignments from ,0 duty$"m°°t° time to time to such duty shall be at least two thirds of them made from among the surgeons and assistant surgeons of volunteers. APPROVED, February 25, 1865. Feb. 25, 1865. Gun. LIV. —An Act to create the Eastern Judicial District of the State of New York.

  • -*1- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unitea
Ees;e¤;j¤rd1. States of America in Congress assembled, That the counties of  K1DgS,

§*;d?;‘:;*;: Queens, Suifolk, and Richmond, in the State of Nevy Ycrk, w1tb the at;d_waters thereof, are hereby constituted a separate _]ud1c1al distnct of the United States, to be styled the eastern district of New York. The President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Judge. Senate, shall appoint a district judge for said district who shall reside Jurisdiction therein, and who shall possess the same powers and perform the same ’“d P"7· duties within said district which are now possessed and performed by the district judge bf the southern district of New York. The said judge shall also receive the same compensation as is by law provided for the _T¤¤¤S ¤f di?- judge of said southern di=trict. District and circuit courts for the trial gigumd °"°m of causes shall be held in the city of Brooklyn on the first Wednesday ° of every month. The courts so to be held shall have the same jurisdiction as is now or may hereafter be vested in other district and circuit Other omcers courts of the United States. Such officers shall be appointed for said °f °°*¤'*- district and court, and in the same manner and with the same fees and cmoluments as prescribed by law for other districts and courts of the United States. Gonpurrenc Sec. 2. And be it fart/ter enacted, That the district court for the said £‘i‘?%‘$;’“ °f eastern district shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the district court for the southern district of New York over the waters within the counties of New York, Kings, Queens, and Suffolk, in the State of Ncw York, and ovcr all seizures and matters made or done in such waters; and all Process. writs or other process or orders issued out of either of said courts, or by any judge thereczfg shall rum and be executed in any part of said waters. Judgetohold Sec. 3. And it further enacted, That, in cass of the inabilit on g‘£‘$c;“ §;’;‘;;‘°’“ account of sickness of the judge of the district court of the United States gw_ ’for the southern district of New York, to hold any court therein, it shall be the duty of the judge of the said eastern district of New York to hold such court and 8.0 and perform all the acts and duties of the judge of said southern district without any additional compensation; and whenever, from pressure of public business or other cause, it shall be deemed desire.- ble by the judge of said southern district of New York, that the judge of said eastern district perform the duties of a judge in said southern district, an order may be entered to that edcct in the records of said district court, and thereupon the judge of said eastern district shell be empowered to do and perform, without additional compensation, within said southern district of New York, and in the district court thereof, all the acts and duties of the district judge thereofl Armovsn, February 25, 1865. Feb. 25, 1865. Gun. LV.-An Acc sugplemental to an Ae: entitled **An Ae: ro annex e Pm of the

 State ty New Jersey to the Oollectnon Distnet of New York, and to appoint an Assutunl

v°L pj5g_ to ncstdc at Jersey C'tty,' approved Februavy twenty-one, exghteen hundred and Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembleoi That the assistant collector