Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/517

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 79. 1865. 489 Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That in case any officer of the mili— _0tHcm dismry or naval service who may be hereafter dismissed by authority of the wsfd {‘P* President shall make an application in writing for a trial, setting forth py °" m` under oath that he has been wrongfully and unjustly dismissed, the President shall, as soon as the necessities of the public service may permit, convene a courbmartial to 'try such officer on the charges on which he was dismissed. And if such court-martial shall not award dismissal or When order ot depth as the punishment of such officer, the order of dismissal shall be ‘u°m*”°l"°l‘*· void. And if the court-martial aforesaid shall not be convened for the trial of such officer within six months from the presentation of his application for trial, the sentence of dismissal shall be void. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That where any revised enrollment Reviwi mw}- in any congressional or draft district has been obtained or made prior to mm"' any actual drawing of names from the enrollment lists, the quota of such district may be adjusted and apportioned to such revised enrollment in- Adjustment of stead of being applied to or based upon the enrollment as it may have q“°*“· stood before the revision. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That hereafter all persons mustered Persons uma infto] the military or naval service, whether as volunteers, substitutes, rep- mL8d i';i°€°"}’l°§· resentatives, or otherwise, shall be credited to the state and to the ward, ¥e:?° ° Mm ` township, precinct, or other enrolment sub-district where such persons belong by actual residence, (if such persons have an actual residence within the United States,) and where such persons were or shall be enrolled, (if liable to enrolment;) and it is hereby made the duty of the provost-marshal general to make such rules and give such instructions to Rules and in the several provost—marshals, boards of enrolment, and mustering officers ““`“"“°'“· as shall be necessary for the faithful enforcement of the provisions of this section, to the end that fair and just credit shall be given to every section of thecountry: Provided, That in any call for troops hereafter no county, town, township, ward, precinct, or election district shall have credit except 0,-erm, on for men actually furnished on said call or the preceding call by said *`¤¤¤‘° <>¤U¤· county, town, township, ward, precinct, or election district, and mustered into the military or naval service on the quota thereofl Sec. 15. And be it _/iuther enacted, That in computing quotas here- Qreditsin com- ` after, credit shall be given to the several states, districts, and sub-districts P“*·"‘€ ‘\“°‘“· for all men furnished from them, respectively, and not heretofore credited, during the present rebellion, for any period of service of not less than three months, calculating the number of days for which such service was furnished, and reducing the same to years: Provided, That such credits Provism shall not be applied to the call for additional troops made by the President on the twenty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty- our. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That persons who have been, or Drattedpersons may hereafter be, drafted, under the provisions of the several acts to ;:i’;T;*;‘”§0$g*:‘ which this is an amendment, for the term of one year, and who have ,,x,,m,,,Q&,,_ actually furnished, or may actually furnish, acceptable substitutes (not liable to draft) for the term of three years, shall be exempt from military duty during the time for which such substitutes shall not be liable to draft, not exceeding the time for which such substitutes shall have been mustered into the service, anything in the act of February twenty-fourth, 1864, ch, 13, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to the contrary notwithstanding. =W¢»1>·6· Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That any recruiting agent, substi- p,,,,,,;,, pm. G, tute broker, or other person who, for pay or profit, shall enlist, or cause listinginwre i>¤r· to be enlisted, as a volunteer or substitute, any insane person, or convict, ;°Q`Qr;°'£ftS* or person under indictment for a felony, or who is held to bail to answer ' for a felony, or person in a condition of intoxication, or a deserter from the military or naval service, or any minor between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years, without the consent of his parents or guardian, or any ` minor under the age of sixteen years, knowing him, in either case before