FHIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 92, 93. 1865. 513 the same, or any part thereof, except to pay necessary expenses, under the direction of the board of trustees.- All certificates [or] other evidences of deposit made by the proper officers shall be as binding on the corporation as if they were made under their common seal. It shall be the duty of the trustees to regulate the rate of interest allowed to the Rate ofintorest, depositors, so that they shall receive as nearly as may be a ratable proportion of all the profits of such corporation after deducting all necessary expenses: Provided, however, That the trustees may allow to depositors, to the amount of five hundred dollars or upwards, one per centum less than the amount allowed others: And provided, also, Whenever it shall Dividends. appear that, after the payment of the usual interest to depositors, there is in the possession of the corporation an excess of prodts over the liabilities amounting to ten per centum upon the deposits, such excess shall be invested for the security of the depositors in the corporation; and thereafter, at each annual examination of the a.ffairs of the corporation, any surplus over and above such ten per centum shall, in addition to the usual interest, be divided rateably among the depositors, in such manner as the board of trustees shall direct. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That whenever any deposit shall Dspvsifs Gfmibe made by any minor, the trustees of the corporation may, at their dis- “°"°; cretion, pay to such depositor such sums as may be due to him, although no guardian shall have been appointed for such minor, or the guardian of such minor shall not have authorized the drawing of the same; and the check, receipt, or acquittance of such minor shall be as valid as if the same were executed by a guardian of such minor, or the minor were of full age, if such deposit was made personally by such minor. And whenever any deposits shall have been made by married women, the trustees ofmarried may repay the same on their own receipts. W°‘“°“· Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the trustees shall not, di- Trustees, exrectly or indirectly, receive any payment or emolument for their services gsi Qfségglgé as such, except the president and vice-president. no '{,,,y_ Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the president and vice-presi- Official bonds. dent, the subordinate officers and agents of the corporation shall respectively mve such security for their fidelity and good conduct as the board 0f trustees may from time to time require, and the board shall fix the Salariessalaries of such officers and agents. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the books of the corporation Books m bg shall, at all times during the hours of business, be open for inspection and °P°¤ *0* i¤¤P°°· examination to such persons as congress shall designate or appoint. mm' Approved, March 3, 1865. CHA!. XCHI. — An Act for the better Organization of the Subsistence Department. March 3, 1865- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States cy" America in Oongress assembled, That, during the continuance A chief comof the present rebellion, the Secretary of War may, when in his judgment °;:,;‘;_ it is necessary, assign to each geographical military division, to each sepa- gigfgggijjgy be rate army in the field consisting of more than one army corps, to each mlgnedf? Offich military department, and to each principal subsistence depot, not exceed- :£;,”§,,°%mS‘°"’ ing ten in number, an officer of the subsistence department to act as chief ’ commissary of such military division, army, military department, or depot, and also an officer of the subsistence department as assistant in the office of the commissary-general of subsistence, each of whom, while so assigned and acting, shall have the rank, pay, and emoluments of a colonel of the Bank, pay, &c. subsistence department; and, in like manner, may assign, for purposes of inspection or other special duty in the subsistence department, commissa- Qommisgaries ries of subsistence, not exceeding six in number, each of whom, while so f°’ ""P°°"°"‘ assigned and acting, shall have the rank, pay, and emoluments of a lieutenant-colonel of the subsistence department; and to each army corps an oflicer of the subsistence denartment to be chief' commissary of the corps,
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