Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/558

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530 THIRTY—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 107, 108, 109. 1865. Proof and pay- within six months from the date of this act; and proof and payment shall m°““· be made within one year from the date of such Bling; but where such mining premises may be on lands hereafter to be surveyed, such declaratory statement shall be filed within three months from the return to the district land-office of the ofhcial township plat; and proof and payment shall be made within one year from the date of such filing. _Town or city Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in the case of any city or town

’;;€;g3S*h° P“b· which, at the passage of this act, may be existing on the public lands, in

° which the lots therein may be variant as to size from the limitation fixed iu the said act of first July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and in which the lots and buildings as municipal improvements shall cover an area greater than six hundred and forty acres, such variance as to size of lots or excess in area shall prove no bar to such city or town claim, under said actaof first July, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, effect to be given to this act according to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary Minimum pi-ice of the Interior: Provided, That the minimum price`of each said lots in any “f l°”· such town or city, which may contain a greater number of square feet than the maximum named 'iu the act to which this is an amendment, shall be increased to such reasonable amount as the Secretary of the Interior may Mineral veins. by rule establish: Provided, further, That where mineral veins are possessed, which possession is recognized by local authority, and to the extent so possessed and recognized, the title to town lots to be acquired shall be subject to such recognized possession and the necessary use thereof: Pr0· miie] title repog- vided, however, That nothing contained herein shall be so construed as to B0; {0;*53;:; recognize any color of title in possessors for mining purposes as against purposes, the government of the United States. APPROVED, March 3, 1865. March 3, 1865. Cntr. CVIH. —An Act to amend an Act entitled "A1• Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An

 Act making a Grant <p" alternate Sections QfPUg)ll·C Lands to the State of Mic/zziuan, to

Ame, p_ H9_ azd an the Constructzon of certam Razlroads m sazd Slate, and for other uqnosesf " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Matted Time for com- States of America in Congress assembled, That section one of an act {’l?f"‘? ?°m?‘"¥ entitled "An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act making a vraut of at road in l`llCh1·· . . . . . ~ .° . gan extended, alternate sections of public lands to the State of Michigan, to aid 1H the construction of certain railroads in said state, and for other purposes,’” which said amendatory act was approved June seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to make the last proviso in said section to read as follows, to wit: Provided, further, That the time specified in the fourth section of the act hereby amended, For the completion of said road, shall be, and the same is hereby, extended eight years. Approved, March 3, 1865. March 3, 1865. CHAP. CIX. —-An Act to authorize the Issuing of Patents for certain Lands in the Town ’—_"""_" ofStockbr1'dqe, State of Wisconsin, and _/or other Purposes. Be it enacted {gy the Senate and House of Representatives of t/ae United Patents may States o/`America in Congress assembled, That, upon satisfactory proof }”“" {°' °°’*“‘l“ beinrr made that any occupantlisj of unpatented land in the town of Stockands in Stock- . ° . i . . bridge, wgscm,. bridge, Calumet County, in the State of Wisconsin, which has, by treaty ¤i¤· or otherwise, been allotted to any individual members of the Stockbridge or Munsee tribe of Indians, are the purchasers, grantees, or assignees of such members of said tribes, the President of the United States be authorized to issue patents for the land so occupied to such purchasers, grantees, Consisting or assignees, respectively: Provided, That in case of conflicting claims to °l”·im$• any of the Iots of land the commissioner of the general land-oflice is authorized_12c hear the proofs of the respective claimants, and to decide which of such claimants are justly entitled to said land, and patents shall be issued in accordance with such decision.