Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/585

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 127. 1865. 557 articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmeu, ten thousand dollars. Western Band of Shoshonees. — For first of twenty instalments in such W<·=Sf¤t¤ Sh¤· articles, including cattle for herding or other purposes, as the President Sh°“°“‘ shall deem suitable for their wants and condition, either as hunters or herdsmen, per seventh article treaty October first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, for the nscalyear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, Eve thousand dollars. For second of twenty instalments for same objects, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, five thousand dollars. Northwesiarn Bands of Shoshonees. — For second of twenty instalments, Northwestern to be expended, under the direction of the President, in the purchase of Sh°Sl‘°¤°°¤· such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, five thousand dollars. Goshijo Bands of Shoshonccs. — For second of twenty instalments, to be Gosbip bands expended, under the direction of the President, in the purchase of such °f Sh°*h°“°°“· articles, including cattle for herding, or other purposes, as he shall deem suitable for their wants and condition, either as huntsmen or herdsmen, one thousand dollars. ' Oreck Nation.- For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five Creek nation. per centum per annum, as permanent annuity to be paid them in money, or for such mechanical labor or useful articles as the Secretary of the Interior may from time to time direct, ten thousand dollars. For payment of second of five instalments, to beexpendcd for their benefit in the purchase of stock, horses, sheep, clothing, and such other articles as the Secretary of the Interior, with the council of said nation, may direct, forty thousand dollars. Indian Service in New México. -—·— For general incidental expenses of _ Indian service the Indian service in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultural imple- “‘ N"' M°x‘°°i ments, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifty thousand dollars. Indian Service in the District of Oountrg leased_/rom the Olzoctaws for in country the Indians Zatehy residing in Ibxas.—For the expenses of colonizing, I¤¤¤¤df•‘¤¤¤ Cimsupporting, and furnishing agricultural implements and stock, pay of neces- t°w°` sary employees, purchase of clothing, medicines, iron and steel, and maintenance of schools for Indians lately residing in Texas, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. For the Wichita.; and other ajiliuted Bands.— For the expenses of Wichitas, Src. colonizing, supporting, and furnishing said bands with agricultural implements and stock, pay of necessary employees, purchase of clothing, medicines, iron and steel, and maintenance of schools, to .be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. Ilhscellaneous. - For the general incidental expenses of the Indian ser- Miscellaneous. vice in California, including travelling expenses of the superintending Indian service agents, seven thousand five hundred dollars. m G“l“"°"““‘ For the purchase of cattle lbr beef and milk, together with clothing and food, teams and farming tools for Indians in California, fifty-tive thousand dollars. For the compensation of five extra clerks, employed in the Indian office Ingjgzgggks m under the acts of lifth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third 1854, ch_ 2};-; March, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, and under appropriations made V¤l·x·p-576- from year to year, seven thousand dollars : Provided, That the said extra ¥g?*;hé_1g,§é_ clerks shall not be employed after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen Pmviso. hundred and sixty-six, unless specially provided for by law. For compensation of one clerk in the Indian office, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the regulations prescribed to give `etfect 47 *