Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/587

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 127. 1865. 559 For payment of interest on one million six hundred and ninety thou- Interest on sand three hundred dollars, non-paying stock held by the Secretary of the £g£{QfQ;‘u§t*}gQk Interior in trust for various Indian tribes, up to and including the interest {nam t,-nm, payable July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, four hundred and forty- six thousand four hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty cents. For subsistence, clothing, and general incidental expenses of the Sisse- _EXP€¤$$&§ at ton, Wahpaton, Medawakantou, and Wahpakocta bands of Sioux or Da- fQ;i€§f)§{3,,.;,,§3: kota Indians, at theirnew homes, one hundred thousand dollars. ton, and Waupa- Indian Service in Idaho Territory. — For the general incidental ex- §?°“‘ b,““‘ls Ol . · . . . IOUX ll(ll2lllS. penses of the Indian serv1ce in Idaho Territory, presents of goods, agri- Indian www cultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in Idaho; in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. Indian Service in the Territory of Arizona. — For the general inei- in Arizona. dental expenses of the Indian service in the Territory of Arizona, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. All that part of the public domain in , the Territory of Arizona, lying Indianygsq;-vg. west of a direct line from Half-VVay Bend to Corner Rock on the Colo- *l°¤· rado River, containing about seventy-five thousand acres of land, shall be set apart for an Indian reservation for the Indians of said river and its tributaries. To supply deficiencies in the Indian service in Arizona Territory, Deficiencies. twelve thousand nine hundred dollars for the present fiscal year. Jndian Service in Zllontana Tew·ritcry.—For the general incidental ex- _ Indian service penses of the Indian service in Montana Territory, presents of goods, "‘M°“m“”‘ agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to negotiate a treaty with the To negotiate a Blackfoot and other tribes of Indians to relinquish so much of their reser— gf${',¥;*;l$° vation as lies south of the Missouri River, iifleen thousand dollars. gtrhgr Ind;,,,, California.-- For pay of one physician, one blacksmith, one assistant tribes; blacksmith, one farmer, one carpenter, upon each of the four reservations , Igdlzn $¢"‘fl°€ of California, at the rate of fifty dollars per month, twelve thousand m a I °mm’ dollars. Indian Service in Dakota Territory. —- For the general incidental ex- in Dakota. penses of the Indian service in Dakota Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent aboiles and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars. To enable the agent of the Yankton Sioux to restore to the friendly To restore members of said tribe the goods and property and provisions taken from §g;”§g3X¥a“k' them by the troops of the United States, ten thousand dollars. To enable the superintendent of Indian atfairs of Dakota Territory, To negotiate under the direction of the President, to negotiate a treaty of peace and Eaiaghozxh h°s' amity with the hostile Sioux, and other hostile tribes allied with them, ` twenty thousand dollars. For the transportation and necessary expenses of delivery of provis- Delivery to ions to the Indians within the Utah superintendency, twenty-two thou- U*“hS· sand five hundred dollars. For salary of a special agent to take charge of Winnebago and Potta- Special agent gvaigomie Indians now in the State of Wisconsin, one thousand five hundred §*;;dl!;1¤°b*S° 0 ars. '