Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/610

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582 THIRTY-—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 186, 187, 188, 206. 1864, and forty-eight, being survey number two thousand seven hundred and James Conway, twelve, in the name of James Conway, or his representatives; location under certificate number one hundred and Efty-nine, being survey number J. Smith, two thousand four hundred and ninety-onc, in the name of J. Smith, or his legal representatives; location under certificate number one hundred and forty-five, being survey number two thousand four hundred and Martin Cooutz, ninety-nine, in the name of Martin Coontz, or his legal representatives; location under ccrtiicatc number nineteen, being survey number two Joseph thousand six hundred and ninety-two, in the name of Joseph Gcnercux, G°“°’°“‘· or his representatives; location under certificate number sixteen, being survey number two thousand six hundred and twenty, in the name of Fmmris Dciisle, Francis Dclislc, or his legal representatives; aud location under cardicatc number one hundred and sixty-four, being survey {number two thou- John Brooks, sand Eve hundred and forty·0nc, in the uamc of John Brooks, or his legal Nothing hem representatives: P·r0vidc¢L however, That nothing contained in the fom- '*°f°"* °°°"°Y°d going provisions of this act shall, directly or indirectly, comprehend, ingmmd h°r°by’ clude, extend tc, grant, relinquish, or convey, the whole or any part of any lot, tract, piece, or parcel of land in said township which has heretofore been coudrmed and surveyed by the United States to any person or Rights ofthird persons, or to the legal representatives of any person or persons: And ¥?;c:s;’(;**;;*lf§b“f‘ provided, furtlwr, That nothing in this act shall in any manner abridge, y` divcst, impair, injure, or prejudice, any adverse right, title, or interest of any person or persons in or to any portion or part of the aforesaid lots, tracts, pieces, or parcels of land which are granted, relinquished, or comveyed by this act. APPROVED, Juuc 30, 1864. June 30, 1864. Can. CLXXXVII. -An Act for the Reliqf¢{Lic1denant William P. Richner, Seventy- ···—·*··*"‘ sevenlh Regiment, O/11.0 olumecr Irgfdntry. Be it enacted (gy the Senate and House of Representatives q/' the United States of America in Uongress assembled That iché Secretary of War bc, Paymmt to and he is hereby, directed to cause to be paid be William P. Richmer, Hxsb William P. lieutenant company H seventy-seventh regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, B·‘°h“°"• out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the pay and cmoluments of a first lieutenant, from the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-cnc, to the thirty-first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. APPROVED, June 30, 1864. June 30, 1864- Can. CLXXXVIII. -An Adjbr the Relieyqftlne Emue of B. Ft Kendal!. & it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameriaa m Oemgress assembled, That the proper accounting ofH- cers of the Treasury Department bc, and they are hereby, authorized to AU<>W¤¤¢¤ E a,11ow, in the settlement of the accounts of B. F. Kendall, deceased, late

$1‘;‘g“g,P§_}‘{ superintendent of Indian affairs for Washington Territory, the sqm of

Kendall. two thousand one hundred and eight dollars aud thirty cents, tho same being the amount shown to have been disbursed by him in his lifetime, and for which no vouchers were to be found. Approved, June 30, 1864. Jil}? 1. 1864- CHAP. CCVI.—An Act to authorize the Secrcgavy 0 the Interior to issue a Land War- );- rant to Riclwrrd Huh, of Ohio. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of t/za United to hsgzg Zigi? States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inmud Fitch mor bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue a land warrant for cnc hundred and sixty acres of Land to Richard Fitch, of Ohio, in con-