Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/612

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584 THIRTY-—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 230, 231. 18642 twenty-first regiment Wisconsin volunteers, said account amounting to sixty-eight dollars and seventy-tive cents, to be paid out of any money which has been, or may hereafter be, appropriated for defraying the expenses of the bureau of said quartermaster-general. Ar1>1zovm>, July 2, 1864.. ·'¤*r ¤·1°°4- om-. ooxx. -.4.. aa ja azrgyéf ups M s. Bram, a pawm t.. e.. mt ates rmy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United bc$£,%2£)é%0gIi;0r States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting om- N_ S_ B,,,,,;,,,,;';,, cers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, authorized and 356 settlement of required to allow Major N. S. Brenton, on the settlement of his accounts, ‘*`·mm'm Z.§§°Ld?.°,€J'L$.t’¥§Z“?“ 2* *`““‘*’°.§` °E°“§'3“Zlé*°1ZZ`r?..§?°’ii“"€L’°’ ii §““ y mearmynoa saruanestroyed by iire on the night of the fourth of August, eighteen, hundred and sixty`-three, "if on examining the evidence by the paymaster-gem eral, he, the said payma.ste1·—genera.l, shall deem him justly entitled to said credit; but such credit shall not be allowed without the said pay- mastengeneral shall certify his approval there0f." Approved, July 2, 1864. Jul? 2» 186* Can. CCXXXI. — An Actjer the 1?eli;_/'6{ William Sawyer and Others, of the State 0 I0. { Y¤;l¤<·:1¤€¤¤=‘- Wunnmns by the treaty of Saint Mary’s with the Miami Indians, of _:;;,,_'§eS6:u,,w, October six, eighteen hundred and eighteen, the west half of section num- Ohio, to be sseér- ber twenty-six, the east half of section number twenty-eight, and section @gfdé£°é· 189. number twergy-segen, lyiinég ipotpe coiliuiy of Aéugjpize gid Steps Ship, were reserv an gran osep xc ar V1 e an osep ic ar - ville, junior; and whereas all of said lands have since been sold in several parcels to divers persons by the United States and by the State of Ohio under and by virtue of a grant from the United States; and` whereas, by virtue of a judicial sale upon a judgment rendered against the said Joseph Richardville, junior, survivor and sole heir-at-law of the said Joseph Richardville, senior, the title granted to the said Joseph Richardville, senior, and Joseph Richardville, junior, by said treaty, in all of said lands, has become vested in one Madison Sweetser, the purchaser at said sale; and whereas the said Madison Sweetser has established his title to said lands by sundry judgments in ejectment, recovered in the circuit court of the United States for the northern district of Ohio, against the tenants in ppssession, holding under titles derived, directly or indirectly, from the nited States as aforesaid: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Ocngress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and required to cause the unimproved value of the said tracts of land to be ascertained, by the valuation and assessment of a commissioner to be appointed by him for that purpose, and which commissioner shall, before he proceeds to the assessment and valuation of the same, take an oath faithfully and impartially to perform his duties as such commissioner. And when the said Secretary of the Interior shall thus ascertain the unimproved value of said lands he shall report the same to the House of Representatives at the earliest practicable moment. Approved, July 2, 1864.