Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/651

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TREATY WITII THE KICKAPOO INDIANS. JUNE 28, 1862. 623 Treaty between the United States of America andthe Iiickapoo Tribe of Indians. Ooncluded June 28, 1862. Ratijication advised, with amendment, by Senate, March 13, 1863. Amendment acce ted May 5, 1863. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, léy 28, 1863. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ro Arr. Arm srneumn ro wnom rmasn museums sunu. coun, ennnrme : June 28, 1862. WHEREAS a treaty was made and concluded at the Agency of the p,.,,,,mb],,_ Kickapoo Tribe of Indians, on the twenty-eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, by and between Charles B. Keith, Commissioner, on the part of the United States, and the hereinafter named Chiefs, Headmen, and Delegates of the Kicka— poo Indians, tbr and on behalf of said Indians, and duly authorized thereto by them, which treaty is in the words and figures following, to wit: Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at the agency of the Kickapoo C9¤¤`¤<>U¤S Tribe of Indians, on the 28th day of June, in the year of our Lord one Pm-ms' thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, by and between Charles B. Keith, Commissioner, on the part of the United States, and the undersigned Chiefs, Headmen, and Delegates of the Kickapoo nation, on behalf of said nation. Aaricnn I. The Kickapoo Tribe of Indians, believing that it will con- Reservation to tribute to the civilization of their people to dispose of a portion of their b° ““"°Y°d‘ present reservation in Kansas, consisting of one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, to allot land in severalty to those members of said tribe who desire to have separate tracts of lands, and have adopted the customs of the whites, and to set apart for the others of said tribe a portion of Portioutobo said reservation, to be held by them in common, or (if a majority of them “°" “l‘”"· so elect) provide for them a suitable home elsewhere, to be held by them in common, it is therefore hereb agreed that the Commissioner of Indian See page 20. Affairs shall cause the whole oi? said reservation to be surveyed in the same manner as the public lands are surveyed, and the quantity of land hereinafter mentioned to be set apart to those of said tribe who desire to have their land in severalty; and, if so elected by a majority of the others of said tribe, the quantity of land hereinafter mentioned to. be by such others held in common, and the remainder of the land, after the special reservations hereinafter provided for shall have been made, to be sold Bemainderw for the benefit of said tribe. l’° md- Anrionm II. It shall be the duty of the agent of the United States for Census of the said tribe to take an accurate census of all the members of the tribe, and tribe *° be *~¤k€¤· to classify them in separate lists, showing the°names, ages, and numbers See page 21. of those desiring lands in severalty, and of those desiring lands in com— SeP¤1'¤*6li¤¢¤ mon, designating chiefs and heads of families respectively; each adult t° b° m°'d°‘ choosing for himself or herself, and each head of a family for the minor children of such family, and the agent for orphans and persons of an unsound mind and otherwise incompetent, as to which of these classes they will belong. And thereupon shall be assigned, under the direction of Assignments the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to each chief; at the signing of the °f]““ · treaty, one half section; to each other head of a family, one quarter section; and to each other person, forty acres of land; to include in every case, as far as practicable, to each family, their improvements and a reasonable portion of timber, to be selected according to the legal subdiyision of survey. When such assignments shall have been completed, ccrtid- , C<>¤’¤i6<>¤*¤¤ to cates shall be issued by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the tracts 1SSu°'