Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/655

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TREATY WITH THE KICKAPOO INDIANS. JUNE 28, 1862. 627 to be erected for each head of a Family a suitable dwelling-house, to be paid for out of the first moneys due said Indians, and not otherwise appropriated. ARTICLE IX. It is hereby agreed that the Commissioner of Indian C°¥*’jé‘:)°”°’ Affairs, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Interior, shall ap- ig?;Q;g0S’lQj?,° point a commissioner whose duty it shall be to ascertain the amount of to be ascertained losses sustained by said Kickapoo nation by reason of the destruction of ““d p“‘d‘ their timber, and the stealing of their horses, cattle, and other property by the whites and hostile Indians, and said amount, when so ascertained, See page 21. shall be paid as follows, viz: the amount of losses sustained by the destruction of their timber shall be invested in the purchase and erection of a steam saw and grist mill, provided said sum shall not amount to more than eight thousand dollars; the residue, if any, shall be invested in_six per cent. United States or state bonds and added to the fund now held in trust by the United States for said tribe; and to each member of said tribe shall be paid, in gold or silver, the amount he or she may have lost by reason of the stealing of horses, cattle, and other property: Provided, Not tqexceed That said amounts shall not, altogether, exceed dfty thousand dollars. $i%g°° m tm And if a larger sum shall be claimed and proved up, the amount shall ` be paid pro rata, and shall be in full of all demands arising from such causes. ARTICLE X. Whereas some years since a portion of the Kickapoos Provision asto went down among the Southern Indians, and there is reason to believe §‘°l§*‘l?°°* whe that but few, if any, of them will ever return, and they having been noti- Sxtigore Wm fied of the provisions of this treaty, it is hereby agreed that they shall receive no benefits arising therefrom, unless they return to the present See page 21. reservation of the Kickapoos within six months from the date of this instrument, in which case it is hereby agreed that forty acres each be allotted to them, with the understanding that they will occupy, improve, and cultivate the same, and in every respect to be governed by the same rules and regulations as is prescribed for the government of the lands reserved by the preceding articles. ARTICLE XI. There shall be reserved six hundred and forty acres of R€¤°"=**l°¤ W land to be selected by the chiefs of said tribe of Kickapoos as a site for gilmand gmf a saw and grist mill, three hundred and twenty acres where the missionhouse now is, one hundred and sixty acres where the house built for See page 21. the agency now is, which, with the improvements thereupon, shall be disposed of when the objects for which they have been reserved shall have been accomplished, in such a manner and for such purposes as the Secretary of the Interior shall determine to be just and equitable for the benefit of the Kickapoos. ARTICLE XII. The fund now held in trust by the United States for m}·$‘;9{***h°"* °f said tribe of Indians for educational purposes shall be invested in six per ,i,:m°,;u(;p:;2,Q_ cent. United States or state bonds, and the interest thereof expended IMM, how annually, under the direction of the Commissioner ot Indian Affairs, for applied. i agricultural, school, and other benedcial purposes for said Indians. See page 21. ARTICLE XIII. Inasmuch as it was provided by the treaty between EXp¤¤S¤¤ of the United States and said Kickapoos, entered into on the 18th day of °`;§°g'°;gBb° May, A. D. 1854, that the President may cause to be surveyed, in the lJnitedyStates. same manner that the public lands are surveyed, the reservation provided Vol. x. p. 1078. for the Kickapoos, it is agreed that the expense of said surveys shall be paid by the United States, and all expenses incident to the negotiation See page 21. and execution of this treaty, and not otherwise provided for, shall be defrayed by the Kickapoos; the same to be deducted from any funds applicable to that purpose now or hereafter held for them in trust by the United States; and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Interior, shall, from time to time, and as S“° Pm 2L promptly as practicable, adopt such measures and institute all such proceedings as may be necessary and not otherwise provided for, in order to the full execution of all and every part of this treaty.