Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/822

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794 INDEX. Collisions, Colorado, (continued.) on the water, act to prevent, .. . 58 if majority of legal votes is for the oonlights on vessels of war need not be ex~ stitution, result to be certified to Preshibited when, &c., .. 58 ident, .,.. .. .. . . 34 steam-ships under sail and not under President by proclamation to declare steam to be treated as sailing vessels, 58 state admitted, . 34 steam-ships under steam, whether under representative in congress, 34 sail or not, to be treated as a vessel aolvernor and state officers, first election, 34 under steam, .. . 58 ds to be set apart for schools, ... 34 rules concerning lights, . 68, 60 for public buildings, .. 34 lights to be carried in all weathers, be· for penitentiary building, . . 34 tween sunset and sunrise, . .. 58 ive per cent. of proceeds of sales of pubfor steam-ships and steam-tugs, 59 lic lands to be applied to making roads, 34 for sailing ships, . 59 or to general system of irrigation, . . 35 exceptional ior small sailing ves- laws of the United States made applica.- sels, ... . 59 ble, ... . ... 35 for ships at anchor,. . i 59 state to constitute one judicial district, . 35 for pilot vessels, .. 59 Colored Bcnevoknt Union Association, for fishing vessels and boats, .. 60 in Washington, D. C., incorporated,. . 635 rules governing fog·signals, ... 60 corporate powers, . . ... . . . 535 steering and sailing rules, ... 60, 61 by-laws, . 535 proper precautions to be always ob- objects of the association, .. . .. 535 served, ... . 61 may hold real and personal estate,. .535, 536 Colombia, act may be altered or repealed, 536 convention between the United States Colored Catholic Male Benevolent Society, and, of Feb. 10, 1864, ... 685 in Wasliington, D. C., incorporated,. . . 201 time for termination of existing commis- Colored Children, sion extended, . .. . . 686 schools for, in Washington County, commissioners and umpire to be ap- D. C., . 191 pointed anew, .. . ... 686 Colored Persons, ratiiicntions, when to be exchanged,. 686 to be enrolled and form part of the naact to carry into effect convention be- tional forces, ... 11 tween United States and,. . . . ... 323 how to be mustered into service,. . . 11 Calonizaubn, to be credited on quotas, .. 11 of emancipated slaves, &c., former ap- commission to determine compensation propriation for, repealed, 352 of loyal masters of colored volunteers, 11 Color, Colored Soldiers, not to disqualify for carrying the mails, 515 pay, rations, bounties, &c., 129 not to exclude any person from cars of Attorney-General to determine certain any railroad in the District of Colum- questions of law, .. . 129 bia, ... 537 widows, &.c., oi} to receive pensions,. . . 389 Colorado, what proof of marriage required,. . 889 appropriations for government in tend- pay and rations of those mustered into tory of, . ... 156, 456 service in South Carolina, .. 488 Indian service in, . 180, 568 Columbia Institution, ;§··c., surveys of public lands in, 849 for the deaf and dumb and blind, may post-routes established in, . 321 confer degrees, &c.,.. ... M act enabling people of} to form a state appropriations for, 349 government, and to admit the state for purchase of land for, . . 349 into the Union, , 32 portion of act establishing, repealed,. . . 436 inhabitants to form state government, indigent blind, where to be educated,.. . 486 with same name, &c., ... 33 See The Columbia Institution, Qc. boundaries, . , 83 Oomanches, voters at election to choose represents.- appropriations for the, 165, 644 tives to form convention, .. . . 33 Comjbrtsjbr Soldiers, if such voters are enlisted soldiers, appropriation for ice, fruits, &c., 23, 128 when and where they may vote,. 33 Commanders in Navy, who may be elected representative to corps oi} on active list to be temporarily convention, .. . 83 increased, , 182 time of iirst election, . 33 number of, not to exceed ninety- time and place of meeting of convention, 33 one, .. 182 authority of convention,. .. . .. 33 no appointments to be made until constitution to be republican, .. 33 number reduced to seventy-two,. 182 to provide by irrevocable ordinance, certain payments made to, ratified, . 182 unless, &c., that there shall be no Commanding eneral’s Ojiee, slavery or involuntary servitude, 33 appropriations for, .. . . 129, 497 for religious toleration, 38 Commercial Agents, to disclaim all right to imappro- appropriations for salaries ofl .. 138, 422 printed public lands, 84 salaries of certain, established,. ... 139 not to tax lands of the United office oi, at Hakodadi, changed to that States, . 84 of consul, ..,... 140 to be submitted to popular vote, 84, 187 Commercial Intercourse, returns of votes to be made; how and to with certain states, suspended, . . . . 731 whom, .. . . . 84 with Alexandria, permitted, ... 740