Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/864

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836 INDEX. Naval Hospital, Navy, (continued.) provision of law to establish, at Kittery, if found qualified, may be pro- Mnine, repealed, . . . 341 moted, 54 in Washington, D. C., remainder of officers may be advanced, not over guare 948 may be bought for, .. 467 thirty numbers, for distinguished con- Naval ospitals and Asylums, duct in battle, &c., . 54 appropriations for,. 26, 509 fleet paymasters and lleet engineers may Naval udge-Advocate General, be appointed, . , 54 0iHcc of, established, . 468 retired pay of surgeons, paymasters, en- Naval Observatory, _ gineers, and other stafomcem, .. . 54 appropriation for, . . ... . . . 84 certain omcers in, not to be retired, unlaw requiring the superintendent oi, to less, &c., .. 183 be a captain, commander, or lieutenant act to provide for emciency of, 342 in the navy, repealed, .. 533, 534 persons in military service, how transnavy omcer acting as superintendent to ferred to, .. 342 receive only shore-duty pay of his seamen, drafted into military service, grade, . 534 may be transferred to, .. 342 Naval Officer, enlistments in, how credited, .. 342 office ot, at Salem and Beverly, abolished, 444 persons enlisting in, to receive same Naval Pension Fund, bounty asin army,. 342 money belonging to, how to be invest- repeal of resolution relating to, passed ed,. ... 414, 415 24th February, 1864, ... 342 Naval Service, act prescribing punishment for enticing persons enlisting into, entitled to boun- or aiding persons to desert from serty, ... . ... 312 vice in, . . . . 343 certain persons in, to be credited to act giving assimilated rank to certain quota of towns, &c., ... 342, 380 warrant officers in, . 373 act for relief of seamen, borne on books officers, how called, .. 373 of vessels lost or wrecked in, 389 additional clerks, in department of 373 day of loss, when to be deemed to expenses of condnement of persons on be, .. . . 389 board of captured vessels, how paid,. 373 accounts of petty omcer , how set- grade of vice-admiral established iu, 420 tled, . _ . 3 90 officers of the, may be advanced in rank compensation for personal effects,. , 390 for gallantry and heroism, .. 424 payment, when to be made to may be promoted, though grade is full, 424 widow, &e., 390 Nang Approprimion, law allowing transfer of persons from for the years ending June 30, 1865, and military service to, repealed, 119, 402 June 30, 1866, ,. 80, 462 Naval Station, pay, bounty, &c., . 80, 462, 463 on Western waters, site for, to be se· repair and maintenance of vessels,.. 80, 462 lected, .. . . 328 completion of fast steam-screw sloops of commission to be appointed, ... 323 war, . . S0 on Mississippi River, expenses of com· purchase, &c., of vessels for Western mission to select site for, 466 waters, . ... S0 Naval Scorekeepers, for naval and blockading purposes, 80 inventory to be made of articles in pos- armored plated vessels, ... 80 session of the, . 572 hemp and fuel, ... 80, 463 Naval Supplies, equipment and provisions, ... 80, 81, 463 certain bids for, &o., may be rejected, construction and repair of machinery, 81, 463 when above market price, &»c., .. 394 surgeon’s necessaries, &e., ,,... 81, 463 Navigation, Bureau qi ordnance and ordnance stores, . Sl, 463 appropriation for omce oi] . 81, 462, 493 navigation apparatus and supplies, . . 81, 463 Navy, nautical instruments, books, and charts, Sl, line officers upon active list, and other _ 463 naval oiilcers, not to be promoted, clothing, . 81, 463 unless after examination as to mental, bureau of yards and docks, S1, 462, 463 moral, and professional Htness, .. 53 ofequipment and recruiting, 81, 462, 463 board of examiners, appointment, power, of navigation, . ... 81, 462, 468 &c., ...,.. 53 of construction and repair, 81, 462, 463 of whom to consist, ,. 53 of provisions and clothing, 82, 462, 463 olncem interested may be present, if of medicine and surgery, .. 82, 464 they desire, . .. 53 of steam engineering, . 82, 464 their statements and testimony of marine corps, barracks, and quarters, 82, 464 witnesses to be recorded, 53 navy yards, ... 82, 83, 464 record to be presented to President, 53 hospitals, 83, 464 no officer to be promoted unless shown magazines, , ... 83, 84, 464 by examination to be physically quali- civil establishment at navy yards,. . . 84, 464 ned, .. 58 salary of constructing engineer at Mare onlcers examined and not recommended Island, 84 for promotion, to be placed upon re- Naval Academy, .,... 84, 466 tired list, . . 53 no money to be applied to support certain officers not recommended for of midshipmen not appointed acpromotion, may present themselves cording to law,. 84 for examination, ... . . 63, 54 mileage of visitors to, .. . . B4