Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/874

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846 INDEX. President q`!/ze United States, (continued.) Prize Proceedings, (continued.) to convene court-martial to try certain how signed and sent, . 307 dismissed officers, .. 489 duty of prize master, . . 307 tomake proclmnstion notifying deserters to deliver to prize commisto return, . . 491 sioner papers, &c., .. 307 to appoint chief of staff to lieutenant- to make afidavit of what facts, 307 general, ... 500 to report to district attorney, In cause patents to issue for lands sold and give what information,. 307 for direct taxes in insurrectionary dis- to deliver persons to marshal,.. 307 tricts, . 501 to retain prize, until process to appoint a commissioner of freedmen from court, 307 and refugees, .. 508 duty of district attorney, .. , ... 307 ° and assistant commissioners, ... 508 to me libel against prize prop to appoint local inspectors of steamboets, 514 erty, .. 307 Presidemk llouse, to obtain wa ant to marshal to appropriations for, . 159, 459 take custod;-of, .. . . 307 President’s Message, to obtain condemnation and distrisnd documents, when and how to be print· bution ot] . . 307 ed, ...,. - .. 185 to cause preparatory evidence number of copies, and how distrib- to be taken before commisuted, . 185 sioners, in order to, . 307 Presque ble, depositions de bene 'ease,. . 307 district and port of; to be known as Erie, 54 to represent United States in all Primary Schools, prize causes, ... 307 commissioners ot, in Washington Coun- not to take private retainer or comty, D. C., to be appointed, .. 187 pensetion from captors, . . 307 their powers and duties, .. . 187-193 except on demand for damages Printing, between claimants and,. 307 joint resolution to provide for the, of to examine all fees, &c., charged on oflicial military reports, . 405 prize fund, . 307 official reports of United States armies, to protect interests of United States and documents relating to the re- and captors, 307 bellion, to be printed, . . . 406 when prize causes are or may be number of copies, and how dis- pending, to send statement once tributed, .,..406 in three months to Secretary of index to each volume, . 406 Navy of all such causes, . 307 other resolutions, &c., as to, rescind- prize commissioners, not exceeding ed, ... 406 three, may be appointed by court,.. .. 807 Printing, Public, one of, to be retired naval officer, form and style of, to be determined by approved by Secretary of Navy,. 307 superintendent of public printing, 186 not to receive other compensa- Prisoners, tion than his pay, .. 307 appropriations for safe keeping oi] . . 152 to protect interests of captors Prisoners of War, and department, . . . . 307 supplies, transportation, &c., of} 128, 496 one to be member of bm- of court,.. 308 Pzisons, not less than of three years’ for American convicts in China, &c.’, 139, 424 standing, .. 308 Pzimre Hospitals, acquainted with taking deposicare of sick soldiers in, ... . 128 tions, .. 308 Prize, duty of prize commissioners, ... 808 property, taken on inland waters, not to receive papers, &e, from prizemanitime, . . 877 master, ... 308 Prize Proceedings, to take nfhdavit of, and testimony act to regulate, ... 306 of witnesses, ... 808 duty of commanding omcer of coptor, . . 630 separate from each other, .. 308 to secure, inventory, and seal up pa- on interrogatories prescribed by pers, &c., .. 306 court, . 808 to send same to court, with not to permit witnesses to see interwritten statement ss to, . 306 rogatories, &c., . 308 to send what witnesses, &c., ... 306 nor to consult with counsel or in whose charge, . 306 interested persons, without to what port, . . . . . 307 leave of court,. . . ,. . 308 if captured vessel cannot be sent in, to release neutral witnesses as soon to cause survey and appraisement as possible, 308 to be had, . 307 when to take depositions de bene report ot] to be sent to court,. . 307 esse of prize-crew, &c., . 308 property, unless taken for gov- to examine inventory, and report on ernment use, to be sold by prize property toeourt, . 308 commanding officer, 307 to obtain order for unlading cargo, proceeds ot] where deposited,. . 307 if necessary, .. V . 308 duty of commanding officer of ves- from time to time to report to court sel claiming to share in prize,... . 307 on,tbut not to have custody of to make what written statement of the property,. ._ ... . ... . 808 claims, &c., 307 to ses secure, schedule, number,