Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/108

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78 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1866. ' r ibn to the United States 0

 Cdéh,Ei5QC£l¥;L,j"éé},;€·2§s‘?Z2%  Rama from Am@y, J,

Hillsdale and Lansing, to same Paint on or near T raverss Bay, m the State of J1ic}zi— gan, and jbr t/te Comp/etz`0n of said Road. ' nacted b the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the Lifted Ste-@$152; Amerie`; in Congress assembled,fThat the time limited by the Act of 1856, fourth section of an act entitled “An act making a. grant of alternate sec- °ll; jh l *· 9,, tions of the public lands to the State of Michigan, to aid in the construc- ,.,,,,§°,,g§°},]Q“,§§;- tion of certain railroads in said State, and for other purposes, approved tended for seven June three, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, for the completion of the rail- T°’·“· mud from Amboy, by Hillsdale and Lansing, to some point on or nem- Traverse bay, shall be, and hereby is, revived and extended for the period of seven years, from and after the third day of June, one thousand eight _ Grants f<> be hundred and sixty-six; and that said grants shall continue and remain in Q':,;,;',;' l§',;°°’Pr°` full force and effect for and during that period, as if it had been so pro- ’vided in said fourth section of said act of June three, eighteen hundred The Amboy, and fifty-six: Provided, That the Amboy, Lansing, and Traverse Bay &<=-.3¤il¤>¤d *0 Railroad Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State f,°:£Q:’2g_gm°t’ of Michigan, shall forfeit all right {lo said. grapt, oragiy pgrt thereof gvliipli it ma now have or which ma erea ter e con erre u on it, y tie legislgture of the State of Micliigan, if and whenever the Eaid company shall fail, in whole or in part fully and completely to perform any of the olfgzgngzdlpglgg following condition? tpat is t1obsag¤:fFirg:, to gelar, grub, gud grade gxgzimty ' consecutive mi es 0 the roa — e o said roa etween wasso an Jacig`Tl?iTt;g6l)i’ naw City, so that the same shall be in readiness for the ties and iron by Sw P°¤*» P 425- the first day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven ; Second, to _ R¤¤d to bq6H- fully complete said road from Owasso to Saginaw City, so that the same

,h'§,1,,€°'bt;a§‘§v_ shall be in readiness for the running of trains by the first day of Novem-

1,,186';. ber. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; Third, to fully complete in like Twenty other manner twent miles of said road in each and every year after the said first gigssdfagaggxi day of Novenliber, eighteen hundred. and sixty-seven, and to fully complete the entire road by the time limited by this apt: And provided further, That in case of failure of said Amboy, Lansing, and Traverse Bay lf conditions Rail Company to perform any of the above conditions by the respective d;?;;; l;,i;'S,,,,° times limited therefor, the legislature of the State of Michigan may at 0fMici{;g,m may its first session after any such failure, confer the said grant upon some <=<>¤¤"<=¤ the Sl'¤¤¤ other railroad corporation, oi· corporations, upon such terms and conditions

  • ,g;}};€ as the legislature may see fit, to carry out the purposes of the said act

tion. of June three, eighteen liuiidred and fifty-six, and when so conferred. such corporation or corporations shall be entitled to have and enjoy all of the said grant, which shall not then have been lawfully disposed of, to the same extent and in the same manner and for the same ur oses, as if the same had been originally conferred upon such ooi·poiatildn gr corporations. ,And any such railroad corporation or corporations, whether now organmgléiglgtgxgtplllj ized or hereafter be organized, upon which said grant may be so con- ,,,,,,,5 g,.,,,,,_ ferred in whole or in part, may receive the same without prejudice to any Limit to land grant, or other rights or franchises previously acquired. But in Q;“,;’:‘;;g,::3d no case shall such corporation or corporations be entitled to receive mprehthan telp sectionpptt lgnd to the guile, for ghath portion of said, rolpd w ic may e conso 1 a e in accor ance witi the rovisions 0 t is G,,,,,,,,,, of act: And, provided, further, That if the legislature slhall, in any such legislature over case of failure, so confer said grant as above provided, then the said

  • h°l¤¤‘ls· lands, or so much thereof as shall then remain not lawfully disposed of}

shall be subject to the disposal and future control of said legislature, as d If ,cg,s,,,,,m paoyygdgd slpbsptaipn threetof saliduacttof J pine. phgete, eighteep hpgnclred and 095 not confer • I , l CXPIYR IOII O G 1H1S lml € is 8.0 . Ll lll CBS9 zgigxpggsgl? thed saidd le,¢€;{p.ture sliall spjclitcalseé fail to so cohfer said grant, then tho U,,,,, _ said an s s rever o e ni e tates. d Sum Sec. 2. And be tl further enacted, That the Flint and Pere Marquette