Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/115

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 165, 166. 1866. 85 said State patents for all the lands granted and situated opposite to and Where the gogwithin the limits of twenty miles of the line of said completed section of fhg25g2L;;;;:;; road or- roads, and extending the length of said section, and no further, tiims m-., com. and not exceeding ten sections of land per mile for all that part of said plmd; road thus completed under the provisions of this act and the act to which this is an amendment, and so, from time to time, until said roads and branches are completed. And when the governor of said State shall so certify, and the Secretary of the Interior shall be satisfied that the whole that whole of any one of said roads and branches is completed in :1 good, substantial, and Fgad is <>°mPl°*· workmanlike manner, as a iirshclass railroad, the said Secretary of the ° ' Interior shall issue to the said State patents to all the remaining lands granted for and on account of said completed road and branches in this act, situated within the said limits of twenty miles from the line thereof} throughout the entire length of said road and branches: Provided, That no land shall be granted or conveyed to said States under the provisions Lands 150* to of this act on account of the construction of any railroad or part thereof gjciglffif $,:9 that has been constructed under the provisions of any other act at the construction of date of the passage of this act, and adopted as a part of the line of rail- fg;';" mil" road provided for in this act: And provided, That nothing herein con-_ tained shall interfere with any existing rights acquired under any law of ncymicgghw Congress heretofore enacted making grants of land to the said States of Missouri and Arkansas to aid in the construction of railroads: And pro- L,,,,dSwhmt,, vided further, That should said States or either of them fail to complete revert to the the roads herein recited within the time prescribed by this act, then the U’“t"d Siam' lands undisposed of; as aforesaid, within the States so failing shall revert to the United States. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That so soon as the governor of When maps either of said States shall file or cause to be filed with the Secretary of me 6l¤<1»L=¤¤d¤ the Interior maps designating the routes of said roads herein mentioned, got; ggrkgawn then it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to withdraw from market the lands embraced within the provisions of this act. SEO. 7. And be it further enacted, That nothing contained in this act Arkanszsw shall be held as vesting in the State of Arkansas title to the lands herein MVS ¤<> title to recited for the trust purpose aforesaid, or authorizing said State to make 3';€p;;$3§g°r any disposition of the same, until said State shall be restored in allre-1andsu¤u1respects to its former relation to the national government and be repre- S*‘;'°fl *° former sented in the Congress of the United States. re ations` Aypnovao, July 4, 1866. CHAP. CLXVI. ——- An Act concerning certain Lands granwd to the State of Nevada. Jul)' 4, l866· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the appropriation by the Awroprimon constitution of the State of Nevada to educational purposes of the five by Mveda of hundred thousand acres of land granted to said State by the law of Sep- 1?::R{°ru$dg;;g tember fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-one, for purposes of internal continiiedi) improvement, is hereby approved and confirmed. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That land equal in amount to sev- L . . . . . _ ands granted enty-two entire sections, for the establishment and maintenance of 2. llfll- for a university; versity in said State, is hereby granted to the State of Nevada. SEC, 3. And be ttfurt/wr enacted, That the grant made by law of the see- for an agrgcug. ond day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to each State, ofland equal wml ¤0U¤g¤- to thirty thousand acres for each of its senators and representatives in Con- V;?6§¤;’h‘ m0' . _ _ . 1. p. 503. gress, is extended to the State of Nevada; and the diversion of the proceeds Theory and of these lands in Nevada from the teaching of agriculture and mechanic P’“°*i°° of mm arm to that of the theory and practice of mining is allowed and authorized igixzy b° without causing a forfeiture of said grant. ° Sec. 4. And 6e it fart/wr enacted, That the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall be, and he v01.. xiv. PUB.——8