Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/217

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THIHTY-—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 201. 1866. 187 or seizures, any gratuity or present of money, or other thing of value, or of rcyenue, &c. give or offer any bribe or reward, of whatever nature, with intent to in- §';,{g‘$°°°Q¤duc° iiuence or induce such officer or other person or persons to do any act in 8 violation or violation of his or her or their official duty, or to refrain from doing <>!`1°1¤i=¤ld¤'¤Y? anything which, under the law, it is or shall be his or her or their duty ;l:£‘}£.lE_°;%},g to do, or if any such officer or person shall ask or receive in any manner or receiving any any such gratuity, present, bribe, or reward, every person so offending gm °" b"lb"· shall be liable to indictment, as for a high crime and misdemeanor, in any court of the United States having jurisdiction for the trial of crimes and fine and immisdemeanors, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding P“*°“'“°“°‘ three times the amount so offered, promised or given, asked or received, and imprisonment in a penitentiary not exceeding three years. Sec. 36. Azul be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of Suits ferret this act no suit begun thereafter shall be maintained in any court for the 5';;_’;’f3iv°;;;*;;; recovery of duties alleged to have been erroneously or illegally exacted ,,(,L°}}mf9m€,~t0 by collectors of customs, unless the plaintiff shall, within thirty days after be maintained. due notice of the appearance of the defendant, either in person or by '"Tl°?’ Pl’l'"mf within thirtv attorney, serve on the defendant or his attorney a bill of particulars of dytysmer abuse the p1aintiH"s demand, giving the name of the importer or importers, the g*°?P%°¤"*“9° °*` description of the merchandise and place from which imported, the name b?"°2f°::.§::° or names of the vessel or vessels, or means of importation, the date ol' lane ofiiis dethe invoice, the date of the entry at the custom-house, the precise amount ‘“*?3·t . - . . i 0 state of duty claimed to have been exacted in excess, the date ot payment of w;m_ said duties, the day and year on which protest was filed against the exaction thereot, the date of appeal thereon to the Secretary of the Treasury, If such bill is and date of decision, if any, on such appeal. And it' a bill ot particulars, ¤<>ts¤rv•¤d,j¤dg— containing all the above-mentioned items, be not served as aibresaid, a $8;;, fg: judgment of non pros. shall be rendered against the plaintiff or plaintitfs in plztiutigs. said action. Sec. 37. And be it further enacted, That parts of such building as _ Parts0f buildshall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury may be bonded for Lzgggggxgi the storage of grain, under such rules, regulations, aud conditions as he grain. may prescribe for the security of the revenue, and that so much_0f the Repeal of act entitled ‘·An act to extend the warehousing system by establishing Pirészf h private bonded warehouses, and for other purposes," approved March VOL QP: 3.% twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, as conflicts with this act be, and the same is hereby, repealed. _ Sec. 38. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of estimat- b Numb" °*` . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ ushels of grain mg the duties on impoitutions of grain, the number of bushels shall be ,0 be ascertained ascertained by weight, instead of by measuring; and sixty pounds of wheat, by gveight. fifty-six pounds of corn, fifty-six pounds of rye, forty-eight pounds of poxmbgg °: barley, thirty-two pounds of oats, sixty pounds of peas, and forty-two bushy_ pounds of buckwheat, avoirdupois weight, shall respectively be estimated as a bushel. Sec. 39. And be itjiart/ter enacted, That in order to facilitate the exe- Warrants for eution of the provisions of the seventh section of the act entitled “An act 5*2;*;** to prevent and punish frauds upon the revenue, to provide for the more and papers; who certain and speedy collection of claims in thvor of the United States, and KM;' issyedfiud for other purposes," approved March three, eighteen hundred and sixty- 1§Q§_1°,;f‘?;6' 6 .,_ three, relative to the seizure of ‘· invoices, books, and papers," any district Vol. xii. p.,'i40. judge of the United States may hereafter issue his warrant or warrants and direct the same to any collector or collectors of the customs in whose respective districts any such invoices, hooks, or papers may be thought to be. Sec. 40. And be it further enacted, That if any collector of the cus- fN¢gl¢¢t. &¢- toms, or other officer or agent, shall neglect. 0I' 1’6fl1=6 to comply with the gctuig m022a, provisions of the first section of the act entitled *‘ An act requiring all money reéeived, moneys receivable from customs and from all other sources to be paid :‘;]ggv;?gi3i‘;,gl__ immediately into the treasury, without abatement or reduction, and for Mmm-, 0; due,