Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/225

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THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 208. 1866. 195 For compensation of the first auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, mes- 1st auditor. senger, assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, fifty-nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the second auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, 2d auditormessenger, assistant messengers, and laborers in his office, five hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. For compensation of the third auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, mes- Bd auditor. sengers, assistant messengers, and laborers in his otlzice, three hundred and eighty-two thousand and eighty dollars. For compensation of the fourth auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, 4th auditor. messenger, and assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, one hundred and ten thousand five hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the fifth auditor, chief clerk, and the clerks, mes- sth auditor. senger, and laborer in his office, forty-seven thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the auditor of the treasury for the Post Office Auditor for Department, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, gm (gm", and the laborers in his office, one hundred and ninety-one thousand five BPM men ` hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the treasurer of the United States, assistant _Treasurer, astreasurer, cashier, assistant cashier, chiefs of division, book-keepers, tellers, zzmni “°"“"°"· assistant tellers, chief clerk, and the clerks, messengers, assistant messen— ` gers, and laborers in his office, one hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. For compensation of the register of the treasury, assistant register, R¤Si¤§¢*'»¤$Si$· chief clerk, and the clerks, messengers, assistant messenger, and laborers t°°U°glsm’ &°' in his office, ninety thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the solicitor of the treasury, chief clerk, and the Solicitorclcrks and messenger in his office, eighteen thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the commissioner of customs, chief clerk, and the Commissioner clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, forty thousand six hundred °f°“S“’m“‘ and forty dollars. For compensation of the chief clerk, clerks, messenger, and laborer of Light-houso the lighthouse board, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. b°“ ' For compensation of the comptroller of the currency, deputy comp- Comptrollerot troller, clerks, messengers, and laborers, one hundred and twenty thou- tha °“"°”°Y· sand two hundred dollars. For paper, special dies, and printing of circulating notes, and expenses Paper, special necessarily incurred (including express charges) in procuring the same, $li“·f**‘?d Pfmk in the office of the comptroller of the currency, one hundred and fifty ;;,%_°ir°“ mms thousand dollars. For salaries of commissioner, deputy commissioner, and clerks of in- Commissioner, ternal revenue office, together with rent, dies, paper, and so forth, for §‘;;,g£:‘*°"““l stamps and incidental expenses, including the cost of subscription to such number of copies of the “Internal Revenue Record and Customs Journal " as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary to supply the revenue officers, one million dollars. For office furniture, maps, labor, miscellaneous items, and other contin- Omoo furnigent expenses for the office of the commissioner of internal revenue, fifty t'"°* &°‘ thousand dollars. ` Contingent Expenses of the Treasury Department. —— In the office of the Contintgentex· Secretary of the Treasury: g???; zrtalrggsj For copying, labor, binding, sealing ships’ registers, translating foreign in Oni;,,., arm; languages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for preparing and collecting 5e0f8M:'- information to be laid before Congress, and for miscellaneous items, fifty thousand dollars For compensation of temporary clerks in the Treasury Department, and Pay of tempofor additional compensation to officers and clerks in the same department, FW ¤I¤fk¤·`