Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/24

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xxiv LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. P¤s¤ STATUTE II. — 1866- 67. Katharine E Winslow. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Katharine F. 'Winslow. December 12, 1866, ch. 1 . . ... , . 615 Alexis Gardapier. An act confirming the title of Alexis Gardapier to a certain tract of land in the county of Brown and State of Wisconsin. December 15, 1866, ch. 2. .. 615 Francis S Lyon. An act releasing to Francis S. Lyon the interest of the United States in oertaiu lands. December 15, 1866, ch. 3. . . . . . . .. .. . .‘ .. 616 Lewis Dyer. An act for the relief of Lewis Dyer, late surgeon of the eightyélrst regiment Illinois volunteers. January 22, 1867, ch. 13 .. 616 James Pool. An wot for the relief of James Pool., January 22, 1867, eh. 14 ... 616 Carharine Welsh. An act for the relief of Catharine Welsh. January 31, 1867, eh. IS . 616 Solomon P. Smith. An act for the relief of Solomon P. Smith. January 31, 1867, ch. 19 .. 616 Jnsiah O. Ames. An act {br the relief of Josiah O. Armes. January 31, 1867, ch. 20 .. 617 Matilda llarmon. An act for the relief of Matilda Harmon, of the county of Greene, and State of Tennessee, widow of Jacob Harmon. January 31, 1867, ch. 21 617 George W Fish. An act for the relief of George W. Fish. January 31, 1867, eh. 22 ... 617 Mary E. Finney. An act for the relief of Mrs. Mary E. Finney, widow of first lieutenant Solon H. Finney, late of the sixth regiment Michigan cavalry. January 31, 1867, ch. 23. .. 617 BadmrychFrye. An act for the relief of Barbury Frye, widow of Henry Frye. January 31, 1867, 617 . 24. , . . .. . Wiliam A. and Jacob MZ Hinshow. An act for the relief of William A. Hiushaw and Jacob M. Hinshaw, minor children of Jacob M. Hinsbaw, deceased. January 31, 1867, cb. 25 . 618 Jams Starke;. An not for the relief of Captain James Starkey. February 5, 1867, ch. 33 ... 618 E. J. Curley. An act ibn the relief of E. J. Curley. February 8, 1867, ch. 35 618 Raju; Ci Spalding. An act for the relief of Rufus C. Spalding, paymaster in the the United States navy. February 15, 1867, eh. 89 . 618 James T Pollock, Suretiu of V An not for the relief of the sureties of James T. Pollock, late receiver at Crawfordsville, Indiana. February 15, 1867, ch. 40 . 618 Alexander FC Pratt. An act for the relief of Alexander F. Pratt. February 18, 1867, ch. 49 619 Jane Clements. An met granting a pension to Mrs. Jane Clements. February 18, 1867, oh. 50. . 619 Samuel Downing. An act granting an additional gension to Samuel Downing, one of the last surviving soldiers of the revolutionary war. ebruary 18, 1867, ch. 51 619 Lemucl Worster, Pension to. An act for the relief of Lemuel Worster. February 18, 1867, oh. 52. 619 Hiram Hedrick, Pension to. An wet for the relief of Hiram Hedrick. February 18, 1867, ch. 53. . 620 Elizabeth Fletcher, Pension tv. An act for the relief of Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher. February 18, 1867, cb. 54. . . ... . . . 620 Johyr Morean, Pension to. An act for the relief of John Moreau, of Manhias, N. Y. February 18, 1ss7, eh. ss . 62¤ John Gray, Pension to. An act for the relief of John Gray, a revolutionary soldier. February 22, 1867, eh. ee .. . . 620 John J. Fuzzy:. An act granting an increased pension to John J. Sohan. February 22, 1867, _20 c 1. ... . .. 0 Solormm L<mg,·Pension to Children o/C An act for the relief of the children of Solomon Long, under sixteen years of age. February 22, 1867, ch. 70 . 621 Daniel Frederick Balceman, Permbn to. An ut for the relief of Daniel Frederick Bakeman, a. revolucionary soldier. February 22, 1867, ch. 71 . · .. 621 Delia A. Jacobs may apply for Extension of Patent. An act for the relief of Delia. A. Jacobs, late Delia A. Fitzgerald. February 22, 1867, oh. 72 . 621 John C'. McFe1mn, Credit allowed to. An act for the relief of John C. McFerran, of the United States army. February 22, 1867, eh. 73 621 James `C'. Cook may apply for Extension of Patent. An act for the relief of James C. Cook. February 22, 1867, eh. 74 ... ° . 622 Gdherine Mbck, Penubn M. An act for the relief of Catherine Mock. February 22, 1867, ch. 75. 622 Kennedy O' Brien, Pension of] increased. An act for the relief of Kennedy 0’Brieu. February 25, 1867, ch. 84 . ‘ 6 22 Clnarks N Weiss. act granting a. pension to Charles N. Weiss. February 25, 1867, ch. 85.. 622 Olivia Sgannon. An act granting a pension to Olivia W. Cannon. February 25, 1867, c . . . 622 Jerusha l;Paéq;, Pension ta. An act for the benefit of Mrs. Jerusha Page. February 25, 1867, c . .. 623 Adeline zL8Gould. An act granting a. pension to Mrs. Adeline M. Gould. February 25, 1867, c . 8 ... . ... , . . 628 John Carter. An act granting a pension to John Carter. February 25, 1867, ch. 69 ... 628