Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/251

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 229, 230. 1866. 221 act, or any Hnal confirmation hereafter made, it shall be the duty of the WSF wid :i2¤d· t surveyor-general of the United States for California, as soon as practica· gg; qmm I y sc ble after the expiration of ten months from the passage of this act, or 1864,ch.194, such Hnal condrmation hereafter made, to cause the lines of the public V0, gi?·7· 334 surveys to be extended over such land, and he shall set of}, in full satis-` p` ` faction of such grant, and according to the lines of the public surveys, the L¤¤d_¤<>¤ M quantity of land confirmed in such final decree, and as nearly as can be °EL:',$Jf;;dt° done in accordance with such decree; and all the land not included in laws of the such grant as so set off shall be subject to the general land laws of the U*£F°;;;?;2m United States : Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed so Mc|§,8.,,m,,,;,,,, as in any manner to interfere with the right of bona tide pre-emption claimants notinclaimantg terfercd with. Sec. 9. And be it j}u·ther enacted, That from the decrees of the dis- Appeals from trict courts of the United States for the district of California, approving ?;g;°:;;*;sd; or correcting the surveys of private land claims under Spanish or Mexi— Spmgng gurvayg can grants, rendered after the first day of July, one thousand eight hun- ofcsrtair P*‘i*?*° dred and sixty-tive, an appeal shall be allowed for the period of one year lla,?; §‘,“;'g‘§5*j {gr after the entry of such decrees to the circuit court of the United States circuit court for California, as provided by section three of the act of July first, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, to expedite the settlement of titles to land in the State of California, and the decision of the circuit court shall _Decision of be final: Provided, however, That from decrees of the district courts, as f)Q"Q;;f°“"t° aforesaid, made after July one, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and prior to Appeal from the passage of this act, an appeal may be taken to the United States cir- °°*‘*F*¤_d€°’°“ cuit court for the State of California within one year from the approval °msm°°°°um' of this act. Approved, July 23, 1866. CHAP. CCXXX. — An Act to aid in the Construction tp" Telegraph Lines, and to secure July 24, 1866. to the Government the Use of the same for postal, military, and other Purposes. "`_-"-_-` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any telegraph company T°l°K}`°Pb now organized, or which may hereafter be organized under the laws of g°;mXi:,°;$°y any State in this Union, shall have the right to construct, maintain, and operate lines of operate lines of telegraph through and over any portion of the public do- ;‘:f)§;‘l£‘)rgXf; main of the United States, over and along any of the military or post 310,,gp0¤t,&cl roads of the United States which have been or may hereafter be declared. ¤”<}”·<l$» *:3*1 °·°¤’°¤¤ such by act of Congress, and over, under, or across the navigable streams gfllinugilzzwrs or waters of the United States: Provided, That such lines of telegraph Stages. shall be so constructed and maintained as not to obstruct the navigation c0{l·;£c{*;db:s°° of such streams and waters, or interfere with the ordinary travel on such nom, Ohm-u,,,, military or post roads. And any of said companies shall have the right &¤· _ f to take and use from such public lands the necessary stone, timber, and coaglizlggn °r other materials for its posts, piers, stations, and other needful uses in the ssc. may be, construction, maintenance, and operation of said lines of telegraph, and {;kl;?l£°¤¤ P“b· may pre-empt and use such portion of the unoccupied public lands sub- L,,,,ds°may be ject to prc·emption through which its said lines of telegraph may be lo— prsjemptsd for · · · . , stations, not excatcd as may be necessary for its stations, not exceeding foity acres for 008,,,,],, &c_ each station; but such stations shall not be within fifteen miles of each gd ughyvitliin, other. °· Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That telegraphic communications Tmsmms fof between the several departments of the government of the United States l;“;,§$:°;?,K;.?l°: and their officers and agents shall, in their transmission over the lines of or transmission. any of said companies, have priority over all other business, and shall be ang;;? Uggé sent at rates to be annually fixed by the Postinaster-General. y ' Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the rights and privileges here- nights and by granted shall not be transferred by any company acting under this act g;"gf§£l_*;;&_*° to any other corporation, association, or person: Provided, however, That `