Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/258

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228 THIR'I`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 234. 1866. Coal oil or dollars for each offence. Nor shall coal oil or crude petroleum be here- $3:*%; K;°;gl‘;';_'f after carried on such steumers, except on the decks or guards thereof, or ried, unless, sm, ill Opin holds where 2. free circulation 0; air is seiuxéect and at such distance rom the furnaces or fires as ma e prescribe y an supervisors [supervising] inspector or any board of local inspectors. y B SEC: 6. And be it further enacted, That barges carrving passengers mg pagscngen whxlc m tow of a steamer shall be subject to the provisions of the acts in tow on for the preservation of the lives of passengers, so far as relates to fire- "°“"'°*· buckets, axes, and life-preservers. For u violation of this section the penalt shall be one hundred dollars. $¥¢§¤m¤¤‘¤ ¤¤¤d grcc. 7. And be itpcrthar enacted, That steamers used as freight boats as §';’§:Q;°§Q`:; shall be subject to the same inspection and requirements as provided for h1¥g;il;i0;, ferry, 21% éand ganal boat? by as agt xéelutgng to sgeambozgts, apgroved

.9 · · the eiv t ay 0 une, ei¤· teen un re an sixty- our, an tot e pr0·

v°)' X`"` P' m0` vision; of this act. b

;;§';**;L;';L Sec. 8. And be it further enacted 'l`hn.t if any person connected, as a

,mempt;,,gm member or otherwise, with any association of steamboat pilots, engineers, ?;;¤;i§;?:mb¤at inastegs, o1}0wnere;shall accept or aitgeinigt to exercise the gunctiena sf ` ‘ the 0 ce 0 steam oat inspector, xt s e a. mis emeanor, or w I0 e shall forfeit his office, and shall be further subject to a penalty of tive hundred dollars. All vessels, Sec. 9. And be it jim/zer enacted, That all vessels navigating the bays, g;°sf5fj;‘:¥;‘;h° inlets, rivers, harbors, and other waters of the United States, except vesnavigation laws sels subject to the jurisdiction of :1 foreign power and engaged in fbreign gl;::;? Umwd trade and not owned in whole or in part by a citizen of the United States, Swim vesscm shall be subject to the navigation laws of the United States; and all ves— fm. rg bsfgglgiect sels propelled m whole or in part by steam, and navigating as aforesaid, Jffgog § 29] shall also be subject to all rules and regulations COHSISIGDE therewith, esvoi. p. 72. tablished for the government of steam vessels in passing, as provided in $¤¤z¤i¤¤gl the twenty-ninth_ section of an act relating to steam vessels, approved the

 ;:§i,s’ thirricth day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two. And every sea-
 ?; going steam vessel now subject or hereby made subject to the navigation
{=d   [;: tr0l of laws of the United States, and to the rules and regulations aforesaid,

Hwmd nom shall, when under way, except upon the high seas, be under the control cxccpr, §¤- and direction of pilots licensed by the inspectors of steam vessels; vessels S<=;)1$67, @$83- of other countries and public vessels of the United States only excepted.

°”’P'  Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That all sewgoing vessels carry-
Jf;;¤;*;{‘;'§;’;‘ mg passengers, and thOS€ ll2Vlg3i.lHg any of the northern and northwestmbbom m, cm laltes, shall have the hfe-boats required by law, provided with suitable

gnérzdgay l>;:;;— d:{sen<€ aging atgpdratus, sf) arringe;1 as to allow siiah boat; to befafe- . _ . cue wz eir comp emeu s 0 assen ers w 11 e suc vesse s are

g;:;?;? under speed or otherwise, and so as to dllow sich disengaging apparatus

¤¤¤¤¤- to be {zperatedgay ongperson disengaging both ends of the boat simultaneous y rom the tac es b which it ma be lowered to the water. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, 'Iiyhat the provision for a. fbremastheE3‘E;";S;“y head light for steamships, in an act entitled "An act fixing certain rules on ° and regulations for preventing collisions on the water," approved the

12; 1}**; twenty-ninth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall not be

mL · ° construed to apply to other than ocean-going steamers and steamers &e62§h.6S& carrying sail. River steamers navigating whters flowing into the Gulf Liéhtsbhivér of Mexico shall carry the following lights, vm: one red light on the outm,},,m·,n,,v;- hoard s1de of the port smokejpipe, and one green light on the outboard §%t;r:§;::g*g of side of the starboard smolre-pipe; these lights to show both forward and of Mmm; aft, and also abeam on their respective sides. All coasting steamers, and or coasting those navigating bays, lakes, or other inland waters, other than ferry-

;*:; 8;g; boats, and those above provided for, shall carry the red and green lights,

boats, &c_ as prescribed for ocean-going steamers; and, in addition thereto, a cenrrul range of two white lights; the after light being carried at an elevation of at least fiftcen feet above the light at the head of the vessel; the head