Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/27

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. xxvil . Pm [No. 34.] John A. Webster, Jr. Joint resolution to permit Captain John A. Webster, Jr. of the steamer “Mahoning," to receive from the government o Great Britain a gold chronometer. February 28, 1867. .. . .. 642* [No. 35.] D. Randolph Martin. Joint resolution authorizinp the Secretary of War to adjust and settle the claim of D. Randolph Martin, assignee o the Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Railroad Company. February 28, 1867 . ... . .. . . . ... 642 [No. 86.]. Daniel Oole, Pension to. Joint resolution for the relief of Daniel Cole. February 28, 1867 . . .. 642 [No. 37.] Virgins}: S Wilson, Payment of Pensnm to. Joint resolution for the relief of Virginia S. Wilson, widow of the late Captain George W. Wilson. February 28, 1867. ... 642 [No. 38.] Walter' (L Whitaker, Payment to. Joint resolution for the relief of Walter C. Whitaker. February 28, 1867 ... . .. 642 [No. 39.] Obadialz Aderton, Pension to. Joint resolution for the relief of Obadiah Aderton. Febmary 28, 1867 . . ... ..‘... 648 [No. 40}] Charles O. Rowohl, Pension to Molher of Joint resolution for the relief of the mother o Charles O. Rowohl. February 28, 1867 .. 643 [No. 41.] William Whelan, Pension to Orphan Children o/I Joint resolution for the relief of the orphan children of William Whelan. February 28, 1867. . ... K . ... 643 [N0. 48]] Ihller and Fisher. Joint resolution to audit and pay the claim of Tuller and Fisher, of issouri. March 1, 1867 ... . . 543 [No. 61.] John H Hamlin, Payment to. Joint resolution to pay Lieutenant John H. Hamlin for military services. March 2, 1867. .. , . . . 643 [No. 62.] Dempsey Reece, discharged fiom Conlract. A resolution for the relief of Dempsey Reece, of Indiana. March 2, 1867 ... . 644 [N0. 63.] John Sedqewiclc. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to audit and settle the accounts of John Sedgewick, collector of internal revenue for the third collection district of California. March 2, 1867.. .. 644, [No. 64.] Almanson Eaton, Credit to, for Money lost. Joint resolution for the relief of Almanson Eaton, receiver of public money thr the and ciiice at Stevens’ Point, Wisconsin. March 644 2, 1867 . ... ... ... .. .. [No. 65.] F. A. Gibbons and F. X. Kelley. Joint resolution referring the papers in the case of F. A. Gibbons and F. X. Kclleyto the court of claims. March 2, 1867. 644 [No. 66.] John R. Beckley. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to audit and pay the claim of John R. Beckley. March 2, 1867. .. 644 [No. 67.] James I. Hudnall, Credit to,_fn· Money lost. Joint resolution for the relief of James I. Hudnall. March 2, 1867. . 645 [No. 68.] Joseph R. Morris, Patent to issue to. A resolution for the relief of Joseph R. Morris. March 2, 1867 ... . ... 645 [No. 69.] Sevenlh Regiment West Wrginia Vblunteers, Payment to. A resolution for the relief of certain enlisted men of the seventh regiment of West Virginia volunteers. March 2, 1867 645 [No. 7% Dyer B. Peltgjclzn, Payment to. A resolution for the relief of Dyer B. Pettijohn. arch 2, 1867 .. . .. . . 646 [No. 71.] J H. Riky, Payment lo. Joint resolution for the relief of J. H. Riley. March 2, 1867 646 [No. 72.] Gustavus V. Fox and others. A resolution authorizing Gustavus V. Fox, late assisttant secretary of the Navy, and the officers of the iron-clad “Miantonornah" and gunboat " Augusta," to accept presents tendered them by the Emperor of Russia. March 2, 1867 M6