Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/308

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278 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CH- 266. 1866. Kl¤¤¤¤¤{¤¤¤i blncksmit w von and lou b makers’ sho s, and books and stations for u°d°° Ind"'"' the manum-lahor school), as ger fourth artidie treaty of October fourtgmh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand five hundred dollars. For first of fifteen instalments to pay salary and subsistence— of one superintendent of farming, one Bzrmer, one blacksmith, one sawyer, one carpenter, and one wagon and plough maker, as per fifth article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, for the liscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, six thousand dollars. For first of twenty instalments to pay salary and subsistence of one physician, one miller, and two school teachers, as per fifth article treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen htmdred and sixty~four, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, three t,housand six hundred dollars. For the erection of agency buildings, four thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. Jlzhhellaneous.-For insurance and transportation of annuity goods Flstlmds. and provisions to the Flathead Indians for the fiscal year ending June V°l° m' P' 9m' thirtietli, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, per fifth article treaty July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eleven thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars and forty-one cents. Indian service Indian Service in Mw Mexico. - For general incidental expenses of ¥¤ Nw M°¤i°°i the Indian service inNew Mexico, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifty thousand dollars. ineommy Indian Service in the District of Country leased from the Ohoclaw: l°¢¤°d {mm for the Indians lately residing in Texas. —- For the expenses of colonizing, Ch°°mw°' supporting, and furnishing agricultural implements and stock, pay of necessary employes, purchasing clothing, medicine, iron, and steel, maintenance of schools for Indians lately residing in Texas, to be expended under direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-two thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars. Wichims,&c. For the }Wch·itac and other Afiliatcd Bands.—For the expenses of oolonizing, supporting, and furnishing said bands with agricultural implements and stock, pay of necessary employes, purchase of clothing, medicines, iron, and steel, and maintenance of schools, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, thirty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. Miseellsneous Jlhscellancaus.-·-For the general incidental expenses of the Indian Ik‘:dé;‘;i§_‘;f° service in California, including travelling expenses of the superintending ' agents, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For the purchase of cattle for beef and milk, together with clothing and food, teams and farming tools for Indians in California, fifty-five thousand dollars. Deliycry of For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery EE;:[;‘E§“M°f¤£'; of annuities and provisions to the Indian tribes in Minnesota and Michisofa and Mmm. gan, twenty thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and sixty-two cents- $**3; For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery Poutglzfsg of Pawnee, Ponca, and Yamcton Sioux annuity goods and provisions, Yancmn Sioux. ten thousand dollars. Vaccination. For expenses attending the vaccination of Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars. _ Indian service For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Oregon ‘{‘v£L°£‘;°:“d and Washington Territory, including insurance and transportation of annu- ° ity goods and presents, (where no special provision therefor is made by treaties,) and oliioe and travelling expenses of the superintendent and subagents, thirty-five thousand five hundred dollars.