Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/355

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THIRTY—NIN'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 297. 1866. 325 seven hundred and twenty dollars each, for the nscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty~seven, twenty-one hundred and sixty dollars. For navy hospital at Washington, District of Columbia, thirty thousand Navy hospital dollars. at Washington. The compensation of the deputy solicitor of the court of claims shall Compensation be, from and after June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, three thou- f§‘_‘§Pg£rf‘2,}°‘° sand and five hundred dollars, payable quarterly out of any money in the claims estabtreasury not otherwise appropriated. l*$h°d· General Land Office. —To supply the deficiency for salaries and com- General land missions of registers and receivers of the district land offices for the year °m°°· ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, forty thousand dollars. For salary of marshal of the eastern district of New York from March Marsh? of twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to June thirtieth, eighteen g??;;:; gifgggft hundred and sixty-six, two hundred and fifty-tive dollars and fifty—ve cents. Public Buildings and Grounds.-—To complete the sewer through the l’¤Pl*° botanic garden, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That the comlnissioner ggéigiggs and of public buildings shall advertise for two weeks for sealed proposals for Sewsrthrougn the performance of such work and the furnishing of materials therefor in bogtglc S*“`d°“‘ . posals to be the two newspapers ln the city of Washington authorized to publish the advertised fo; oflicial advertisements, and at the expiration of such time, on a day to be specified in such advertisement, the proposals shall be opened by the commissioner of public buildings in the presence of the Secretary of the Interior, and the work shall be then let to the person who shall have oH`ered I W¤¤{k to b° to do the same and furnish the materials at the lowest rates and aggre- ,§fi§‘Q,,f’§'jf‘ gate, and who shall give proper security for the performance of his contract; and the commissioner of public buildings is hereby required to report to Congress at the commencement of the next session a full state- Report to ment of the expenditure of the present and past appropriations for this Cl3)“=‘i‘;;i?O?1;”g;c work, with the rates that have been paid for work and materials under for fbi, wot1g_ ` each appropriation. To enable the commissioner of public buildings to reconstruct the lower Lower waterwater-closets of the supreme court room, to place marble around the fur- cizsrgf gg1f;;' nace register, by way of protection, and to make such other improvements ¥qgm’ gw_ as the chief justice of the court may desire, one thousand five hundred dollars. To repair the planking and for other repairs to Long Bridge, over the L")? B'id€°· Potomac, three tllousand dollars. For iron seats lor the public grounds, one thousand dollars. §;;’£° To enable the commissioner of public buildings to make such altera- grpiesiiiciiys tions in the arrangement of the business offdccs in the Presidenfs house 1w11S9- as the President may desire, two thousand dollars. For repair of one of the greenhouses at the Presidents, five hundred dollars. For annual repairs of the Presidenfs house, six thousand dollars, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. To complete the repairing and furnishing of the Presidents house, twenty thousand dollars. To meet a deficiency in lighting Bridge and High streets, Georgetown, _ _ for the three months of the last fiscal year, eleven hundred dollars. L'gh'”"g ""°m‘ To so alter the roof-gutters at the President’s house as to prevent injury by overflow of water, three thousand dollars. For the additional twenty per centum compensation to the messenger Twenty per of the court of claims from January twenty-ninth to June thirtieth, eighteen °°“" :9 “’°?°'t!‘ hundred and sixty-six, sixty-seven dollars and twenty cents. gjegisifur ° To ventilate the bath-room of the House of Representatives, two hun- Bath-r<>¤m of arse dollars. gggggiggjerre-