Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/359

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 298. 1866. 329 may be speciailydesignated by the Secretary of the Treasury, and destined for places in the republic of Mexico, may be entered at the customhouse, and conveyed, in transit, through the territory of the United States, without the payment of duties, under such rules, regulations, and conditions for the protection of the revenue as the Secretary of the Treasury ma rescribe.

 6. And be it further enacted, That imported goods, wares, or

merchandise in bond, or duty paid, and products or manufactures of the Goods, with United States, may, with the consent of the proper authorities of the prov- of imma or republic aforesaid, be transported from one port or place in the provinces, gm, United States to another port or place therein, over the territory of said mw be ¤*\¤‘i¤d provinces or republic, by such routes, and under such rules, regulations and conditions as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and the place to another goods, wares, and merchandise, so transported, sl1all,`upon arrival in the gui: Umwd United States from the provinces or republic aforesaid, be treated in re- ' gard to the liability to or exemption from duty, or tax, as if the transportation had taken place entirely within the limits of the United States. Sec. 7. And be itfwrthér enacted, That whenever it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that more moneys have Excm of been paid to the collector of customs, or others acting as such, than the Qglggs £‘;‘§¤f°’ law requires, and the parties have failed to comply with the requirements may if., refund. of the fourteenth and fifteenth sections of the act entitled “An act to in- ed, Wi¢h0¤}¤<=0¤1- crease the duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved June thir- $::5 of tieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and the Secretary of the Treasury law. shall be satisfied that said non-compliance with the requirements as above 18“¤1‘;h·1g71=§§ stated was owing to circumstances beyond_the control of the importer, con- VOL xiii 2u_ signee, or agent making such payments, he may draw his warrant upon the treasurer in favor of the person or persons entitled to the overpay- ment, directing the said treasurer to refund the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the· provisions of the second, Theprmcgion third, and fourth sections of the act approved March second, eighteen hun- given *<> ¤‘<W¤¤¤¤ dred and thirty-three, entitled “An act further to provide for the collec- Qzmflfogggzigjg tion of duties on imports," and of the twelfth section of the act approved by direction or March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, entitled “An act to pre- ggzgfggggtas vent and punish frauds upon the revenue, to provide for the more certain forth, ,,0;],,,,,;,,,, and speedy collection of claims in favor of the United States, and for ofabandoned other purposes," shall be taken and deemed as extending to and embracing §’gg§‘";)Q_Sg'P,‘ W all cases arising or which may have heretofore arisen, and all suits and 3,} ’ prosecutions heretofore brought und now pending, or which may hereafter 1ggé·i:i1I>·1gg2·§ be brought against any officer of the United States or other person by 12]’ reason of any acts done or proceedings had by such officer or other person, Vol. xii. p. 820. under authority or color of the act approved March twelve, eighteen hun- \}£°§i?}‘{,}gg6 dred and sixty-three, entitled "An act to provide for the collection of 1gé;, ci,,;;;;,` abandoned property, and for the prevention of frauds in insurrectionary V0!- xiii- P- $76 districts within the United States," or the act approved July two, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An act in addition to the several acts concerning commercial intercourse between loyal and insurrectionary States, and to provide for the collection of captured and abandoned property, and the prevention of frauds in States declared in insurrection": Provided, That such acts done or proceedings had under the two acts last aforesaid, or under color thereof, shall have been done and had under the authority or by the direction of the executive government of the United States: And pravidedfurther, That when a recovery shall have been, or Amounts N. shall hereafter be, had in any such suit or prosecution brought, or which covered in wits may hereafter be brought, as aforesaid, the payment of the amount re- g?;;;: “t‘;°£° covered, as provided for in the said twelfth section of the act approved pam mit of pro- March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, aforesaid, shall be made ?°°ds°*§*]°°*`*¤d Out of the moneys arising and obtained from the proceeds of sales and °°s°S’ °'