Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/384

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354 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 27, 29, 31, 32. 1866. April 21, 1866. [No. 27.] Joint Resolution expressive qgtheT}zanl;s g" Congress to lllqior-General Winjield """—‘ . ancoc . Resolved by the Senate and House of Represemtatiyes of the Ikitcd CTh*“‘kSt°f,\I States of America in Congress assembled, That, in addmon to the thanks gigézgfmf i a` heretofore voted by joint resolution, approved January twenty-eighth, cock- eighteen hundred and sixty-four to Maj0r—General George G. Meade Major-General Oliver O. Howard, and to the officers and soldiers of the army of the Potomac, for the skill and heroic valor which at Gettysburg repulsed, defeated, and drove back broken and dispirited the veteran army of the rebellion, the gratitude of the American people and the thanks of their representatives in Congress are likewise due, and are hereby tendered, to Maj0r·Gc¤eral Winfield S. Hancock, for his gallant, meritorious and cons icucus share in that eat and decisive victor . A P A *1 21 1866 gr y PPROVED, pri , . April 25, 1866. . 29. A hcl1ct' furthe Transfer of Funds ap opriatedjbrthe Pa ment ry Salaries [N0 in the Post O mC;0'b6}JG7`[77b67lt to the General Sagry Account of that £epartment. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United T':¤§*`°€j °*` States of America in Congress assembled, That the unexpended balance ?£.p€hg`f>T,Q€ns on the books of the Treasury Department, from the respective sums of Office Depurfr money appropriated by different acts of Congress, for the salaries of Post,. m°“°‘ master-General, assistant postmaster-general, clerks, temporary clerks, ad. ditional clerks messengers wutchmen laborers and superintendent and clerks of the rnoney order system, inciuding the, amounts appropriated for the payment of twenty per centum increase of certain salaries, (all of the same being appropriations made by Congress for the Post Office Department) may be transferred on the books of the Treasury Department, from the respective headings under which they are now placed, to the credit of the Post Office Department, to the general salary account of funds placed Proviso. to the credit of the Post Office Department: Provided, That this joint resoiution shall n0t fag cogstrugk to increase the; appropriations already made or t IC servxce 0 the ost ce epartmen . APPROVED, April 25, 1866. May 8, 1866, [No. 31.] A Resolution making Approprahtimnsjbr the Expenses of eulkcting the Revenue "'—"‘—`°"" from Customs. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United fAPP¤`°PFi¤¤¤i{1 States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and hereby is, c°:;I;§§;;,s§ie° appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriarevenue from ted, the sum of two millions one hundred thousand dollars for the expenses °““°m*’· of collecting the revenue from customs for each half-year ii·om and after the last day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-five and in addition thereto such sums may be received during said half-Srear from fines, penalties, and forfextures connected with the customs, and from storage, 1s s8,cn. 100, § 1. eartage, drayage, and labor; and the first section of an “Act making ap- `°L XL P' 3M' propriations for the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs," approved June fourteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, be, and the same is, hereby repealed. APPROVED, May 3, 1866. May 3, 1866. [N0. 32.] A Resolution of the Wgigdggéhe Nation to the Officers, Soldiers, a eamen of t nit mes.

    Res0? ej by the Senate and House of Representatives ry the United

° €*¤;m¤ ¤ tutes 0 merica in Congress assembled That it is the duty and the privg;g;;s§2(§"{,r;, ilege of Congress to express the gratitude of the nation to the officers, S0}- Congress to the diers, and seamen of the United States b whose valor and endurance, on the s Y